Browsing by Author "Synylo, Kateryna"
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- ItemEnvironmental impact assessment of a turboprop engine with the aid of exergy(Energy Journal, 2013-06-30) Synylo, Kateryna; Atilgan, Ramazan; Turan, OnderTo develop approaches that effectively reduce engine environmental effect of aircrafts, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that have enabled improvements in thermodynamic efficiency of aircraft engines. In the present work, a turboprop engine used in regional aircrafts that produces 1948 shp and 640 N.m torque is examined using exergo-environmental method. The results show compressor, combustion chamber, gas generator turbine, power turbine and exhaust nozzle create 9%, 69%, 13%, 7%, 2% of total environmental impact of the engine, respectively. According to rates, the compressor and gas turbine can be considered first to improve in case of component related environmental impact. Furthermore, total component related environmental impact for the turboprop engine is found to be 2.26 mPts/s for the constructional phase and 2.34 mPts/s for the operation/maintenance phases. Accordingly, it is suggested that, in order to estimate environmental impact metric of aircrafts, the exergo-environmental analysis can be employed for aircraft propulsion systems.
- ItemEstimation Of Bouyancy Effect And Penetration Length Of Jet From Aircraft Engine By LES Method(Proceeding book of International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation 2015, 2015-06) Synylo, Kateryna; Zaporozhets, Oleksandr
- ItemIMPROVEMENTOF THE COMPUTER MODEL OF AIR POLLUTION ESTIMATION DUE TO EMISSIONS OF STATIONARY SOURCES OF AIRPORTS AND COMPRESSOR STATIONS(2021-11-03) Synylo, Kateryna; Krupko, Andriy; Karpenko, Sergiy; Zaporozhets, OleksanderEmission sources at airports and compressor stations have the potential to emit pollutants, the effects of which can degrade local air quality. In most cases, the basis of gas pumping units includes either aircraft engines that have exhausted their flight life, or their targeted modifications to fulfill the tasks of gas pumping units and compressor stations in various gas transportation systems. The methodology for calculating the concentration of pollutants contained in the emissions of enterprises does not take into account all possible features of emission sources, in terms of passive stationary sources and cold emissions, the algorithm of the methodology requires clarification and the justifications given in the article indicate possible ways of clarification. According to the decision of the CAEP SG-2020 Coordination Meeting "detailed documentation for the Ukrainian POLEMICA air quality model provided in CAEP/12-FESG-MDG/2-WP/09 should be considered as the final documentation for verifying this model for compliance with ICAO document 9889 requirements". The results of calculating the maximum concentration for the test scenario using Gaussian models, verified in CAEP, differ by almost 2 times. A similar result according to the PolEmiCa model ~ 1.5 μg/m3 is almost two times less, which is due to the inclusion of the effects of the initial rise in the emission of the mixture from a stationary source into the algorithms of the OND-86 method
- ItemMeasurement of Aircraft Engine Emissions Inside The Airport Area(Proceeding book of International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation, 2015-05) Synylo, Kateryna; Zaporozhets, Oleksandr; Ralf, Kurtenbach; Peter, Wiesen
- ItemModels for assessment of NOx emissions from turbofan engine of aircraft(National Aviation University, 2019) Synylo, KaterynaDuring the last decade a lot of investigations were focused on the evaluation of the impact of aircraft engine emissions on the local and regional air quality in the vicinity of the airport. The aircraft emissions inventory is usually calculated on the basis of certificated emission indices, which are provided by the engine manufacturers and reported in the database of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The certificated emission indices rely on well-defined measurement procedures and conditions during engine test. Under real circumstances, however, operational (power setting, time-in-mode and fuel flow rate) and meteorological (air temperature, humidity and pressure) conditions may vary from ICAO definition, consequently deviations from the certificated emission indices may occur. The advanced emission model of turbofan engine (TURBOGAS emission model) was developed for the assessment of aircraft engine emissions taking into account the influences of operational and meteorological conditions on emission indices to generate precise aircraft emissions inventories as well as contrails likelihood and lifetime. Both BFFM2 and P3T3 methods have been implemented in the TURBOGAS emission model.
- ItemMonitoring of air pollution produced by aircraft in the vicinity of airport(National Aviation University, 2014-04) Synylo, Kateryna; Kazhan, KaterynaAir pollution resulting from airport emissions and aircraft noise is a growing concern because of the expansion of air traffic over the years. Monitoring (measurement) and modeling techniques enables the assessment of historical, existing or future air pollution in the vicinities of airport.
- ItemPM EMISSIONS PRODUCED BY AIRCRAFT UNDER THE OPERATIONS AT THE AIRPORT(NAY, 2016-04) Synylo, Kateryna; Zaporozhets, OleksandrPurpose: The effects of aircraft engine emissions within the planetary boundary layer under the landing/ take-off operations contribute sufficiently to deterioration of air pollution in the vicinity of the airports and nearby residential areas. Currently the primary object of airport air quality are the nitrogen oxides and particle matter (PM10, PM2.5and ultrafine PM) emissions from aircraft engine exhausts as initiators of photochemical smog and regional haze, which may further impact on human health. Analysis of PM emission inventory results at major European airports highlighted on sufficientlyhigh contribution of aircraft engines and APU. The paper aims to summarizethe knowledge on particle size distributions, particle effective density, morphology and internal structure of aircraft PM, these properties are critical for understanding of the fate and potential health impact of PM. It also aims to describe the basic methods for calculation of emission and dispersion of PM, produced by aircrafts under the LTO operations. Methods: analytical solution of the atmospheric diffusion equation is used to calculate the maximum PM concentration from point emission source. The PM concentration varies inversely proportional to the wind velocity u1and directly proportional to the vertical componentof the turbulent exchange coefficient k1/u1. The evaluation of non-volatile PM concentration includes the size and shapeof PM. PolEmiCa calculates the distributions of PM fractions for aircraft and APU exhausts (height of installation was given H=4,5m like for Tupolev-154). Results:The maximum concentration of PMin exhaust from APU is higher and appropriate distance is less than in case for gas. PM polydispersity leads to the separation of maximums concentration in space for individual fractions on the wind direction and therefore it contributes to the reduction of maximum total concentration. Discussion:But although the APU has contributed significantly to the emission of aircraft at airports, APU emissions are not certificated by ICAO or any other responsible for that authority.It is quite actual task for local air quality to development model and find measurement techniques to identify aircraft engine and APU contribution to total airport PM pollution.
- ItemНавчально-методичний комплекс дисципліни " Техногенна безпека аеропортів цивільної авіації"(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021) Синило, Катерина Вікторівна; Synylo, KaterynaДана дисципліна є теоретичною основою сукупності знань, що дозволяє вдосконалити підготовку фахівців освітнього рівня магістр у галузі знань 26 «Цивільна безпека» щодо аналізу, оцінки та прогнозу рівнів впливу техногенних чинників аеропорту на довкілля. Нормативна дисципліна направлена на набуття практичних навиків з методів дослідження процесів взаємодії авіатранспортних процесів з навколишнім природним середовищем та дослідження способів підвищення техногенної безпеки аеропорту, в тому числі шляхом впровадження стратегічних, технічних, експлуатаційних та економічних заходів для зниження техногенного впливу аеропорту на довкілля.
- ItemНавчально-методичний комплекс навчальної дисципліни "Правові засади захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури"(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021) Синило, Катерина Вікторівна; Синило, Екатерина Викторовна; Synylo, KaterynaДана дисципліна є теоретичною основою сукупності знань, що вдосконалюють і поглиблюють інженерну підготовку у фахівців освітнього рівня магістр у галузі знань 26 «Цивільна безпека» для забезпечення надійного захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури, що є однією з ключових умов єдиної системи кібербезпеки України. Нормативна дисципліна направлена на вдосконалення підготовки фахівців стосовно формування переліку об’єктів критичної інфраструктури держави як важливого елемента систем заходів із забезпечення кіберзахисту та кібербезпеки України. Метою викладання дисципліни є: формування у слухачів теоретичних знань з питань державного регулювання процесів, пов’язаних з захистом населення і територій від надзвичайних ситуацій різноманітного походження, пожежної безпеки та практичних навичок, які необхідні керівникові служби цивільного захисту для рішення організаційно-управлінських задач в рамках функціонування державної системи цивільного захисту