Browsing by Author "Shevchenko, Olga"
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- ItemChallenges of Foreign Students of Aviation Engineering Specialties Distance Learning(Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародного співробітництва та освіти Національного авіаційного університету, 2024) Shevchenko, Olga; Bugayko, Dmytro; Zharin, Ivan; Popkowski, Tadeusz; Шевченко, Ольга; Бугайко, Дмитро; Жарін, Іван; Попковський, ТадеушUkraine has always been one of the leaders of international aviation engineering education in the world. A number of powerful higher educational institutions, including the National Aviation University, the National Aerospace University named after M. E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute», Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub after for decades provided high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of civil and state aviation specialists of Ukraine and more than 100 countries around the world. However, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and force majeure circumstanceshave created new conditions and outlined problems to the aviation engineering education system. One of the answers to these challenges was the introduction of distance learning. This study is devoted to the analysis of the positive and problematic sides of this learning form for foreign students of aviation engineering specialties.
- ItemChallenges of the Aviation Education System During the War And Post War Period(Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-05-11) Shevchenko, Olga; Bugayko, Dmytro; Popkowskiy, Tadeuzsz; Шевченко, Ольга; Бугайко, Дмитро; Попковський, ТадеушAviation education is an open system influenced by a large number of related and unrelated factors. One of its most vulnerable components during the war is the activity of universities as international centers of education, science and culture. Unfortunately, the fullscale military aggression against Ukraine from the first minute dealt a devastating blow to the activities of the national education system in general and aviation education in particular. In order to formulate strategic scenarios for the post-war recovery and sustainable development of air transport of Ukraine, the article proposes to use the Concept of National Integrated Risk Management of Air Transport of Ukraine.
- ItemFactors influencing the efficiency of the organization of multimodal transportation under the conditions of the state of martial(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2023) Bugayko, Dmytro; Reznik, Volodymyr; Shevchenko, Olga; Бугайко, Дмитро; Резнік, Володимир; Шевченко, ОльгаIntermodal transportation plays an important role in the global economy. Many manufacturing sectors require various components in remote locations. Intermodal transportation is used to ensure that production processes are not interrupted. The war particularly affected Ukraine's entire intermodal transportation system. Ports, shelters and piers stopped their activities. The main role shifted to road transportation. Many airports were completely destroyed and most of the major ports were occupied, making further operations impossible until Ukraine was completely victorious. Road transportation became the saving link for supply chains and further economic activity. One of the main problems in this situation is to choose the best mode of transportation and the most suitable carrier. Trucking companies continue to cooperate with air agencies, but the shift of their main hubs to neighboring countries may raise new questions about optimizing deliveries. Factors such as price, quality of service, distance and time will always play an important role in the supply chain. The main goal of transport companies and their staff in intermodal transportation is to deliver the goods ordered by manufacturers safely, completely and on time. In this article, all the risks, bottlenecks of the organization of multimodal transportation under martial law are researched.
- ItemIndicators of aviation transport sustainable development safety(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2020-12-03) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Бугайко, Дмитро Олександрович; Шевченко, Ольга РоальдівнаAviation safety is an important component of the concept of general national security, the system of personal security, ecological and public safety and transport safety from external and internal threats. Maintaining an acceptable level of national aviation safety is a priority for the industry. The aviation transport is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society.
- ItemInstitutional measures of air transport safety strategic management at the level of the state and Ukrainian ecosystem airports – aviation logistics interaction(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-03-12) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Popkowski, Тадеуш; Бугайко, Дмитро; Шевченко, Ольга; Попковський, ТадеушThe ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society. The assessment of economic, technological, safety, social and ecological hazards is an integral part of all the logical blocks of the structural and functional scheme of strategic management of aviation safety in terms of sustainable development of the national economy. The implementation of the proposed institutional measures will ensure an appropriate level of safety, efficiency and regularity of the ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine.
- ItemInstitutional measures of air transport safety strategic management at the level of the state and Ukrainian ecosystem airports – aviation logistics interaction(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-03-15) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Popkowski, Tadeusz; Бугайко, Дмитро; Шевченко, Ольга; Попковскій, ТадеушThe ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society. The assessment of economic, technological, safety, social and ecological hazards is an integral part of all the logical blocks of the structural and functional scheme of strategic management of aviation safety in terms of sustainable development of the national economy. The implementation of the proposed institutional measures will ensure an appropriate level of safety, efficiency and regularity of the ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine.
- ItemJustification of the identification of threats and problematic components of sustainable regional development in the security dimension(E3S Web of Conferences, 2023) Kharazishvili, Yurii; Lyashenko, Vyacheslav; Bugayko, Dmytro; Ustinova, Irina; Shevchenko, Olga; Kalinin, Oleksandr; Харазішвілі, Юрій; Ляшенко, В'ячеслав; Бугайко, Дмитро; Устінова, Ірина; Шевченко, Ольга; Калінін, ОлександрThe issue of substantiation of the problematic components of sustainable development in the security dimension and threat identification methodology is investigated. The methodology consists of directly combining the identification of threats with the need to observe the limits of the safe existence of dynamic economic systems, which connects the problem of sustainable development with the problem of security. The explanation of the extended homeostatic plateau, which explains the conditions for the transition to a higher technological system, or the complication of functioning and the loss of the main functions of the existing technological system, has gained further development. A theoretical substantiation of the limits of secure existence in terms of security gradations is proposed: critical, threshold, and optimal on both sides of the "extended homeostatic plateau". Quantitative values of security gradations are associated with the extension of the "t-criterion" method for the formal determination of bifurcation points for characteristic types of distribution, that is, threats. The identification, classification, and analysis of problematic components and critical threats at the level of components and indicators were carried out, which made it possible to identify only four strategic directions of institutional measures that allow covering almost all indicators of sustainable development at the regional level.
- ItemProactive risk management of Ukrainian aviation transport post-war recovery and sustainable development(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2022) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Perederii, Nadiia; Sokolova, Natalia; Podrieza, Mykhaylo; Bugayko, Danylo; Бугайко, Дмитро Олександрович; Шевченко, Ольга Роальдівна; Передерій, Надія Миколаївна; Соколова, Наталія Петрівна; Подреза, Михайло Сергійович; Бугайко, Данило ДмитровичGlobal air transport is an open system that is influenced by a large number of factors, both related and unrelated. One of its most vulnerable components is the activity of airlines. This is especially felt during the period of hostilities. The Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 crash as a result of being hit by a Russian missile and the 2014 Boeing 737 crash of Ukraine International Airlines in Iran as a result of being hit by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles in 2020 are examples of the vulnerability of civil aviation in the rapidly changing conditions of military operations and determine the need for anticipatory risk management of airlines. Unfortunately, the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine from the first minute dealt a devastating blow to the activity of air transport in general, and to the activity of Ukrainian airlines, in particular. In order to formulate strategic scenarios for the post-war recovery and sustainable development of air transport of Ukraine, the article proposes to use the Concept of National Integrated Risk Management of Air Transport of Ukraine.
- ItemRetrospective Analysis of Ukrainian Air Transport Activity(Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu, 2022) Bugayko, Dmytro; Antonova, Anna; Shevchenko, Olga; Shevchuk, Dmytro; Бугайко, Дмитро; Антонова, Анна Олегівна; Шевченко, Ольга Роальдівна; Шевчук, Дмитро ОлеговичUkraine is an aviation state that has a full cycle of development and serial production of aircraft, commercial operation of civil aviation, training and retraining of professionals for the industry. The level of development of air transport determines not only the country's image, but also the sustainable development of its national economy. The article presents a structural analysis of the trends in the development of world aviation transport, as well as the economic development of aviation transport in Ukraine and its infrastructure. The authors pay special attention to the study of the factors of the seasonality of air transportation and their influence on the results of the operational activities of air transport in Ukraine.
- ItemПерспективи розвитку міжнародної авіаційної освіти на прикладі Національного авіаційного університету(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-05-26) Шевченко, Ольга Роальдівна; Бугайко, Дмитро Олександрович; Попковський, Тадеуш; Shevchenko, Olga; Bugayko, Dmytro; Popkowskiy, TadeuzshПерспективи розвитку міжнародної авіаційної освіти полягають у подальшому вдосконаленні міжнародної співпраці провідних науково-навчальних авіаційних центрів, серед яких одне з лідируючих місць належить Національному авіаційному університету. З-поміж пріоритетних напрямків співробітництва можливо виділити відкриття авіаційних спеціальностей, співпрацю університетів з такими провідними авіаційними організаціями, як Міжнародна організація цивільної авіації (ІКАО) та Міжнародна асоціація повітряного транспорту (ІАТА), упровадження програм подвійних дипломів, популяризацію можливостей програм академічної мобільності діяльності. Міжнародна співпраця в галузі міжнародної авіаційної освіти дозволяє досягнути максимального синергетичного ефекту на глобальному ринку авіаційних освітніх послуг.
- ItemПрограми лояльності – фактор успішності(Херсонський державний університет, м. Херсон, Україна, 2012-08-20) Федорченко, Світлана Володимирівна; Федорченко, Светлана Владимировна; Fedorchenko, Svitlana; Шевченко, Ольга Ромуальдівна; Шевченко, Ольга Ромуальдовна; Shevchenko, OlgaРозглянуто чинники, що впливають на поведінку споживачів. Найважливішими серед них є рівень цін, якість та сервіс обслуговування. Визначено, що найбільш цінними активами підприємств, які працюють в сфері послуг, є клієнти. Задачі оптимізації взаємостосунків з клієнтами вирішуються за рахунок застосування програм лояльності, метою яких є як залучення нових клієнтів, так і довгострокові взаємостосунки з споживачами