Browsing by Author "Bugayko, Dmytro"
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- ItemAnalysis of the Aviation Safety Management System by Fractal and Statistical Tools(International School of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, 2019) Bugayko, Dmytro; Leshchynskyi, Оleg; Sokolova, NataliyaWorld civil aviation is an open-source system that is affected by a large number of related and non-related factors. Aviation safety is one of the prioritized directions in the industry. Its managerial decision-making process is primarily based on a versatile analysis of security data in which the choice of the appropriate mathematical apparatus is fundamental. This article suggests applying fractal-statistical analysis to evaluate the aviation safety management system in terms of determining the random distribution of quantitative dynamics of aircraft crashes with lethal consequences in the period from 1946 to 2017. This allows us to verify the adequacy of probabilistic approaches appliance in analysing the dynamics of aviation disasters. The results of research carried out on the basis of the Hurst exponent have allowed us to conclude that the dynamics of aviation disasters is characterized by the effect of "spatial memory". In other words, these are "hidden laws", for which further investigation can become an effective tool for the development of proactive methods in managing aviation safety.
- ItemBudowa statków powietrznychi system żeglugi powietrznej(Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu, 2020) Kharchenko, Volodymyr; Bugayko, Dmytro; Ostroumov, Ostroumov; Харченко, Володимир; Бугайко, Дмитро; Остроумов, ІванOdręcznik składa się z dwóch części: Budowa samolotów i System żeglugi powietrznej. Poruszamy w nich następujące zagadnienia: historię aeronautyki, klasyfikację statków powietrznych, najważniejsze cechy i parametry samolotów i helikopterów, układ kabiny pasażerskiej w nowoczesnych samolotach i helikopterach, układ przedziałów bagażowych i towarowych w nowoczesnych samolotach i helikopterach, lotnictwo przyszłości, podstawy systemu żeglugi powietrznej, urządzenia dozorowania wykorzystywane w systemach żeglugi powietrznej, urządzenia nawigacyjne wykorzystywane w żegludze powietrznej, rolę komunikacji w systemach żeglugi powietrznej, automatyczne systemy dozorowania zależnego, systemy wykrywania i zapobiegania kolizjom w lotnictwie, system zarządzania lotem oraz nowoczesne trendy w systemie żeglugi powietrznej.
- ItemChallenges of Foreign Students of Aviation Engineering Specialties Distance Learning(Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародного співробітництва та освіти Національного авіаційного університету, 2024) Shevchenko, Olga; Bugayko, Dmytro; Zharin, Ivan; Popkowski, Tadeusz; Шевченко, Ольга; Бугайко, Дмитро; Жарін, Іван; Попковський, ТадеушUkraine has always been one of the leaders of international aviation engineering education in the world. A number of powerful higher educational institutions, including the National Aviation University, the National Aerospace University named after M. E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute», Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub after for decades provided high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of civil and state aviation specialists of Ukraine and more than 100 countries around the world. However, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and force majeure circumstanceshave created new conditions and outlined problems to the aviation engineering education system. One of the answers to these challenges was the introduction of distance learning. This study is devoted to the analysis of the positive and problematic sides of this learning form for foreign students of aviation engineering specialties.
- ItemChallenges of International Science and Education in the Field of Aviation Transport Safety(Logistic education, 2018) Ісаєнко, Володимир Миколайович; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Paweska, Marcin; Kharchenko, Volodymyr; Bugayko, DmytroThe aviation safety issue has been one of the most urgent challenges since the first day of flight operations. Aircrafts, avionics, engines, and navigation, communication and surveillance aids have changed and developed, but the problem has never lost its relevance. the main purpose of IcAois to ensure the safe and orderly development of all aspects of international civil aviation. IcAodevelops Standards and recommended Practices. they are set out in 19 Annexes to the convention on International civil Aviation. the new IcAostrategies are the basis for the further sustainable development of global civil aviation. the paper paid special attention to the civil aviation hazards monitoring and risks management in the context of global aviation development trends.the paper deals with challenges of international education and introduces practical experience of the national Aviation university according to the new technologies in transport and aviation education, and trends of international cooperation with the International university of Logistics and transport in Wroclaw in this sphere. Key words: aviation safety, international education, cycles of education, hazards, risks, safety management system, scienti
- ItemChallenges of the Aviation Education System During the War And Post War Period(Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-05-11) Shevchenko, Olga; Bugayko, Dmytro; Popkowskiy, Tadeuzsz; Шевченко, Ольга; Бугайко, Дмитро; Попковський, ТадеушAviation education is an open system influenced by a large number of related and unrelated factors. One of its most vulnerable components during the war is the activity of universities as international centers of education, science and culture. Unfortunately, the fullscale military aggression against Ukraine from the first minute dealt a devastating blow to the activities of the national education system in general and aviation education in particular. In order to formulate strategic scenarios for the post-war recovery and sustainable development of air transport of Ukraine, the article proposes to use the Concept of National Integrated Risk Management of Air Transport of Ukraine.
- ItemComparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and international norms that regulate the implementation and formation of aviation logistics system(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2023) Reznik, Volodymyr; Bugayko, Dmytro; Резнік, Володимир; Бугайко, ДмитроIntermodal transportation plays an important role in the global economy. In light of the above, it is necessary to analyze the experience of aviation regulation in developed European countries. Aviation legislation in Ukraine is currently at the stage of development. It is important to analyze the experience of the development of aviation legislation and the regulation of personnel training in the aviation industry in European countries. It is important to study the organization of personnel training in the aviation industry. The issue of public administration has not been sufficiently analyzed in Ukrainian legislation. Active work on the realization of a joint aviation space is ongoing. Therefore, the creation of a common aviation space gives provision of mutual free access to the air transportation market. Mutual free access to the air transport market is based on equal conditions of competition and common rules, especially in the field of safety. In particular, common rules apply in the fields of aviation safety & security as well as air traffic management of Ukraine and the EU. It gives possibilities of further development of cooperation between the EU and the Ukrainian in sphere of aviation logistics.
- ItemFactors influencing the efficiency of the organization of multimodal transportation under the conditions of the state of martial(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2023) Bugayko, Dmytro; Reznik, Volodymyr; Shevchenko, Olga; Бугайко, Дмитро; Резнік, Володимир; Шевченко, ОльгаIntermodal transportation plays an important role in the global economy. Many manufacturing sectors require various components in remote locations. Intermodal transportation is used to ensure that production processes are not interrupted. The war particularly affected Ukraine's entire intermodal transportation system. Ports, shelters and piers stopped their activities. The main role shifted to road transportation. Many airports were completely destroyed and most of the major ports were occupied, making further operations impossible until Ukraine was completely victorious. Road transportation became the saving link for supply chains and further economic activity. One of the main problems in this situation is to choose the best mode of transportation and the most suitable carrier. Trucking companies continue to cooperate with air agencies, but the shift of their main hubs to neighboring countries may raise new questions about optimizing deliveries. Factors such as price, quality of service, distance and time will always play an important role in the supply chain. The main goal of transport companies and their staff in intermodal transportation is to deliver the goods ordered by manufacturers safely, completely and on time. In this article, all the risks, bottlenecks of the organization of multimodal transportation under martial law are researched.
- ItemGLOBAL CHALLENGES OFTHE AIR CARGO TRANSPORTATIONS REGULATION(2016-02) Bugayko, Dmytro; Foriash, Marek; Zhudova, Iryna
- ItemGlobalne wyzwania w zarzadzaniu transportem lotniczim(Wroclawskie Wydawnitstwo Oswitatowe, 2022) Kharchenko, Volodymyr; Bugayko, Dmytro; Paweska, Marcin; Харченко, Володимир; Бугайко, Дмитро; Павеска, МарчінRozwój ludzkości oznacza ciągłe pokonywanie problemów i wyzwań. Te, z którymi mierzymy się dziś, dotyczą zróżnicowanych dziedzin i aspektów życia. Największe współczesne światowe wyzwania wiążą się ściśle z rozwojem technologii, a ich przezwyciężanie wymaga określonych zmian w nauce i kształceniu, czyli doskonalenia metod zdobywania nowej wiedzy. Naszym zdaniem bardzo wiele zależy od rozwoju takich systemów socjotechnicznych, jak transport i przemysł lotniczy, energetyka jądrowa czy przemysł chemiczny. Chcąc sprostać wyzwaniom w przyszłości, będziemy musieli stale rozwijać dziedziny nauki koncentrujące się na perspektywach światowej gospodarki i technologii. Równocześnie konieczne będzie właściwe kształcenie kolejnych pokoleń naukowców, ekspertów, specjalistów i menedżerów, zapewniające odpowiedni poziom wiedzy i konkurencyjności. Transport lotniczy jest jednym z kluczowych elementów współczesnej gospodarki. Bez względu na to, czy mówimy o pasażerach, czy towarach, możliwość szybkiego i bezpiecznego transportu cennych zasobów na duże odległości poprawia jakość i standard życia ludzi na całym świecie. Najważniejsze cechy transportu lotniczego to bardzo duża szybkość, wysoki poziom niezawodności, wysoki koszt oraz średnia elastyczność. Innym ważnym aspektem podróży lotniczych jest stosunkowo wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa. Wynika to nie tylko z faktu, że same samoloty jako maszyny stają coraz bezpieczniejsze, ale także z danych pokazujących, iż transport lotniczy to najbezpieczniejsza forma podróżowania. Wszystkie inne codzienne rodzaje transportu, od poruszania się na piechotę po jazdę samochodem, są ciągle znacznie bardziej ryzykowne.
- ItemIndicators of aviation transport sustainable development safety(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2020-12-03) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Бугайко, Дмитро Олександрович; Шевченко, Ольга РоальдівнаAviation safety is an important component of the concept of general national security, the system of personal security, ecological and public safety and transport safety from external and internal threats. Maintaining an acceptable level of national aviation safety is a priority for the industry. The aviation transport is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society.
- ItemInstitutional measures of air transport safety strategic management at the level of the state and Ukrainian ecosystem airports – aviation logistics interaction(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-03-12) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Popkowski, Тадеуш; Бугайко, Дмитро; Шевченко, Ольга; Попковський, ТадеушThe ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society. The assessment of economic, technological, safety, social and ecological hazards is an integral part of all the logical blocks of the structural and functional scheme of strategic management of aviation safety in terms of sustainable development of the national economy. The implementation of the proposed institutional measures will ensure an appropriate level of safety, efficiency and regularity of the ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine.
- ItemInstitutional measures of air transport safety strategic management at the level of the state and Ukrainian ecosystem airports – aviation logistics interaction(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-03-15) Bugayko, Dmytro; Shevchenko, Olga; Popkowski, Tadeusz; Бугайко, Дмитро; Шевченко, Ольга; Попковскій, ТадеушThe ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society. The assessment of economic, technological, safety, social and ecological hazards is an integral part of all the logical blocks of the structural and functional scheme of strategic management of aviation safety in terms of sustainable development of the national economy. The implementation of the proposed institutional measures will ensure an appropriate level of safety, efficiency and regularity of the ecosystem airports – aviation logistics of Ukraine.
- ItemInternational Transport Corridors Functioning Efficiency in the Digital Economy Conditions(International School of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, 2019) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Bugayko, Dmytro; Grygorak, Mariya; Ovdiienko, OksanaThe problem of international transport corridors efficiency estimation in the digital economy conditions is considered. The set of efficiency key indicators, which allows to compare efficiency of corridors use in different countries, is substantiated. A comparative analysis of the international transport corridors usage efficiency in Ukraine and Poland was conducted.
- ItemJustification of the identification of threats and problematic components of sustainable regional development in the security dimension(E3S Web of Conferences, 2023) Kharazishvili, Yurii; Lyashenko, Vyacheslav; Bugayko, Dmytro; Ustinova, Irina; Shevchenko, Olga; Kalinin, Oleksandr; Харазішвілі, Юрій; Ляшенко, В'ячеслав; Бугайко, Дмитро; Устінова, Ірина; Шевченко, Ольга; Калінін, ОлександрThe issue of substantiation of the problematic components of sustainable development in the security dimension and threat identification methodology is investigated. The methodology consists of directly combining the identification of threats with the need to observe the limits of the safe existence of dynamic economic systems, which connects the problem of sustainable development with the problem of security. The explanation of the extended homeostatic plateau, which explains the conditions for the transition to a higher technological system, or the complication of functioning and the loss of the main functions of the existing technological system, has gained further development. A theoretical substantiation of the limits of secure existence in terms of security gradations is proposed: critical, threshold, and optimal on both sides of the "extended homeostatic plateau". Quantitative values of security gradations are associated with the extension of the "t-criterion" method for the formal determination of bifurcation points for characteristic types of distribution, that is, threats. The identification, classification, and analysis of problematic components and critical threats at the level of components and indicators were carried out, which made it possible to identify only four strategic directions of institutional measures that allow covering almost all indicators of sustainable development at the regional level.
- ItemKapitał intelektualny jako wartość dodana w procesie produkcji i usług(National Aviation University, 2023-10-27) Popkovskyi, Tadeusz; Bugayko, Dmytro; Попковський, Тадеуш; Бугайко, ДмитроWysoka jakość produktu/usługi tworzona jest na wiele sposobów, zarówno technologicznych, organizacyjnych, jak i ludzkich. W takich okolicznościach istotne stają się wartości kompetencyjne zasobów ludzkich (kapitału ludzkiego). Zmiany w warunkach realizacji przez organizacje procesów produkcyjnych (usługowych), które zwykle są rozumiane jako zadania logistyczne, stają się bardziej złożone, kosztowne, a nawet niebezpieczne, co wpływa na postrzeganie czynnika ludzkiego, w tym jego roli w realizacji zadań. To tutaj pojawia się pojęcie kapitału intelektualnego, które w terminologii naukowej definiuje się jako aktywa wiedzy lub aktywa intelektualne, które odróżniają wartość rynkową organizacji od jej wartości finansowej, tworząc tzw. wartość dodaną.
- ItemModern challenges of air transport: safety, regulations, operations and infrastructure(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2022) Bugayko, Dmytro; Ierkovska, Yuliya; Aliyev, Fariz; Bugayko, Danylo; Бугайко, Дмитро; Єрковська, Юлія; Алієв, Фаріз; Бугайко, ДанилоOpenness to the negative consequences of global, regional and national financial crises, the tragic events associated with the activities of terrorist organizations and, first of all, the global COVID 19 pandemic lead to the fact that the issues of efficiency and economic feasibility are among the priorities in solving the challenge of maintaining an appropriate safety level. In fact, the philosophy of aviation safety is changing from an understanding of its purely technical and technological component and extends to determining the severity of risks to property, life and health of people, the environment, financial security, and legal liability of enterprises have shocked aviation transport. At the same time, harmonization, integrity and operational interchangeability of the industry’s integrated security system are achieved; the worldwide exchange of safety-related information; global systemic hazards are identified and eliminated at an early stage. The effective management of aviation safety requires a systematic approach to the development of policies, procedures and recommended practices. Safety management integrates different types of aviation activities into a single whole. The main challenges of Ukrainian air transport in the context of the globalization of the air transportation market are the annexation of Crimea, the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, the tragedy of the Boeing-777 of Malaysian Airlines, the closure of airspace over the vast territory of Ukraine, the refusal to fly over the Russian Federation, the tragedy of the Boeing-737 of International Airlines Ukraine” in Iran and, to a greater extent, the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges are reflected in almost all macro, meso and microeconomic indicators of the activity and infrastructure of air transport. However, air transport is not only an open system, but also an adaptive system. Modern challenges of its activities indicate the need to develop strategic scenarios and develop a mechanism for institutional support for further sustainable development, taking into account the dynamic external environment, constant changes in the structure and intensity of threats and uncertainties.
- ItemNational level of aviation transport safety strategic management systems regulation(National Aviation University, 2022-03-15) Bugayko, Dmytro; Ierkovska, Yuliya; Aliyev, Fariz; Zamiar, Zenon; Бугайко, Дмитро; Єрковська, Юлія; Алієв, Фаріз; Замаір, ЗенонTransport is one of the key industries of any country. It is seen as a tool for addressing priority political and economic challenges, as well as a means of ensuring defense capability. An important part of the unified transport system is air transport, which occupies a significant place in the connection of Ukraine with other countries and their individual regions. Its effective functioning should promote stabilization, structural transformation, development and implementation of foreign economic activity, meeting the needs of the population and social production in transportation, ensuring the protection of national interests of Ukraine. The report is devoted to the analysis of the national level of the strategic management system of air transport safety.
- ItemNational level of aviation transport safety strategic management systems regulation(National Aviation University, 2022-03-15) Bugayko, Dmytro; Ierkovska, Yuliya; Aliyev, Fariz; Zamiar, Zenon; Бугайко, Дмитро; Єрковська, Юлія; Алієв, Фаріз; Замаір, ЗенонTransport is one of the key industries of any country. It is seen as a tool for addressing priority political and economic challenges, as well as a means of ensuring defense capability. An important part of the unified transport system is air transport, which occupies a significant place in the connection of Ukraine with other countries and their individual regions. Its effective functioning should promote stabilization, structural transformation, development and implementation of foreign economic activity, meeting the needs of the population and social production in transportation, ensuring the protection of national interests of Ukraine. The report is devoted to the analysis of the national level of the strategic management system of air transport safety.
- ItemNew challenges for logistics in the conditions of military operations(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2023) Bugayko, Dmytro; Reznik, Volodymyr; Бугайко, Дмитро; Резнік, ВолодимирThe logistics sector was one of the most important and key during the martial law and underwent significant changes. A survey conducted by Kievstar Business Hub in 2022 and 2023 showed the dynamics of the development of the logistics sector during the war. For example, last year, one of the main reasons for business closures was the disruption of the logistics chain. This year, it is no longer a priority as companies gradually adapt to the challenges of wartime. The state of logistics at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine was difficult. But it becomes clear that the direction is slowly recovering in 2023, because the number of professional offers in the industry is increasing. This, of course, is some what less dynamic compared to the labor market in general. However, it is positive. But there were also some challenges occurred to the logistics and supply chain management of industries and enterpises . A lot of them will be researched during the article.
- ItemPossible ways of the sustainable development concept realisation by logistics companies, the necessity of using «green» technologies for decarbonisation of their business activity(Viold Limited Liability Company, 2024) Marchenko, Vladyslav; Bugayko, Dmytro; Марченко, Владислав; Бугайко, ДмитроNowadays, more and more people are becoming seriously concerned about the problems of gradual environmental pollution and climate change. Over the past decades, they have become truly complex and global in scope. The long-term policy of ignoring these extremely important questions in the past has led to a staggering number of negative consequences that we are now seeing in all countries of the world. Today, it is no longer possible to continue to pretend that our activities have absolutely no impact on them. That is why, humanity is in constant search of new ideas that will be able to solve these problems, or at least slow down their pace. One of such, the most effective and promising examples was the creation of the extremely important concept of sustainable development. It has a very essential role in the spheres of logistics and management. Nowadays, all our activities in one way or another rely on them. In the global economy, the logistics sector is a major force that stimulates efficient trade and ensures the movement of goods. The logistics sphere works with a giant number of elements, various corporations, enterprises, companies, all possible transport vehicles and people. It connects them into a truly colossal in size and unified network. But it is always worth remembering that it has a huge impact on the above-mentioned problems. Currently, one of the key goals is to minimise the negative impact of logistics on the environment. That is why it is important to move this system in the direction of sustainable development, implementation of «green» initiatives, projects and technologies. In our time, the question of decarbonisation of logistics companies’ activities is really important and highly relevant, and therefore researchers should continue to monitor, study and analyse the prospects for the development of the logistics sector in this direction.