Browsing by Author "Babikova, Kateryna"
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- ItemAnalysis of the environmental properties of the components of traditional and alternative aviation gasoline(National Aviation University, 2019) Boichenko, Sergii; Shkilniuk, Iryna; Pavliukh, Lesia; Babikova, Kateryna; Iakovlieva, Anna; Vinetskaya, RozaIn this article have been analyzed ecological properties of traditional and alternative aviation gasoline. We determine that with reducing of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline, saturated with oxygenates; it is possible to improve the composition of aviation gasoline, thereby reducing the formation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons during combustion. With increasing octane number, the concentration of toxic gases in the exhaust decreases, that improves the ecological properties. Using biofuels leads to improve environmental characteristics.
- ItemApplication of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs(CEUR-WS, 2019-06) Babikova, Kateryna; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Eremenko, Volodymyr; Zaporozhets, ArturIt is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum.
- ItemApplication of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs(CEUR-WS, 2019-06) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Babikova, Kateryna; Eremenko, Volodymyr; Zaporozhets, ArturIt is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum.
- ItemApplication of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs(CEUR-WS, 2019-06) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Babikova, Kateryna; Zaporozhets, Artur; Eremenko, VolodymyrIt is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum.
- ItemEcological and economical bases for development of rural green tourism in context of European integration of Ukraine(2016-06-02) Babikova, Kateryna; Furdychko, OrestThe article deals with ecological and economic approaches and perspectives of rural green tourism development in Ukraine based on the experience of the EU. Attention is focused on the development of green tourism as an effective direction of issues resolving concerning the unemployment of rural population, improvement of their material welfare, organic farming development and cultivation of environmentally friendly agricultural production within the limits of private rural households (country estates) that contribute to the conservation of natural environment due to the transition to principles of rational use of natural resources. Research results of the main components of rural green tourism, namely economic, environmental and social are presented. The expediency of rural green tourism development is substantiated, as this type of activity is an integral part of socio-economic development of rural areas and thus environmentally and economically attractive type of tourist activity.The trends of rural green tourism as a tourist activity (increased profitability of tourism, diversification of basic and additional types of tourist services and others) and agrarian sphere (making profit for the use of agricultural lands, payment of tourist tax, increased production of high quality and ecologically safe agricultural production, protection and conservation of natural resources potential of rural areas and others) are highlighted.
- ItemEnvironmental certification as instrument of sustainable development providing in agritourism of Ukraine(Journal of Tourism and Regional Development, 2014) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Nikolaiev, Kyrylo; Babikova, Kateryna; Ісаєнко, Володимир Миколайович; Ніколаєв, Кирило Дмитрович; Бабікаова, Катерина ОлександрівнаIn the article the modern scientific approaches to the definition of agricultural tourism is presented. Article deals with meaning and prospects of development of agro-tourism activities as a component of sustainable development of rural areas of Ukraine. The normative concepts of rural and agrotourism, the necessity and actuality of ecological certification of touristic objects and rural farmstead are examined in this article. Thus we have determined that promotion on the market of rural tourism (green) and agro-tourism is impossible without complying with relevant standards, norms and ecological passportization and certification of tourist objects and rural (agro) estates. The environmental certification issues have to play leading role in governmental and regional target programs and to provide the sustainable development of rural residential territories and certain touristic regions.
- ItemEnvironmental Certification as Instrument of Sustainable Development Providing in Agritourism of Ukraine(Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2014) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Nikolaiev, Kyrylo; Babikova, KaterynaIn the article the modern scientific approaches to the definition of agricultural tourism is presented. Article deals with meaning and prospects of development of agro-tourism activities as a component of sustainable development of rural areas of Ukraine. The normative concepts of rural and agrotourism, the necessity and actuality of ecological certification of touristic objects and rural farmstead are examined in this article. Thus we have determined that promotion on the market of rural tourism (green) and agro-tourism is impossible without complying with relevant standards, norms and ecological passportization and certification of tourist objects and rural (agro) estates. The environmental certification issues have to play leading role in governmental and regional target programs and to provide the sustainable development of rural residential territories and certain touristic regions. (original abstract)
- ItemPeculiarities of Eco-Sustainable Tourism Development in the Rural Regions in Ukraine(2013) Babikova, Kateryna; Nikolaiev, Kyrylo; Бабікова, Катерина ОлександрівнаВ статье раскрыто сущность и особенности развития эколого-устойчивых видов туризма в сельских регионах Украины. Наведено определения понятий сельского и аграрного туризма, а также установлено их роль в решении социально-экономических и экологических проблем.
- ItemPostgraduate training specialists tourism sector(Intercultural Communication, 2016) Бабікова, Катерина Олександрівна; Babikova, KaterynaPurpose: The article highlights the features and value of postgraduate training in the field of tourism. An important step to improve the efficiency and quality of tourism is an organization of professional preparation, training and retraining of professionals working in this field. Methods: As the tourism market is extremely dynamic, diversified and fleeting, only a systematic and continuous development of knowledge workers will ensure the adaptability and flexibility of the tourism business. Given the current educational trends in continuing education consider necessary to implement training for the tourism business training business training. Postgraduate seminar training allows employees to tourism businesses to gain new knowledge and skills, to master modern information technologies in tourism, new approaches to master the organization and management tourism activity. Results: Attention is paid to the basic concept of professional development and professional training, professional development specialists forms professional development of tourism industry professionals and training in such forms as short-term training, self-study, internships, internships, informative tour.
- ItemProspects and priority of resource saving technologies as constituent of farmstead environmental certification(Національний авіаційний університет, 2013-06-17) Babikova, Kateryna; Бабікова, Катерина Олександрівна; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Ісаєнко, Володимир Миколайович; Ніколаєв, Кирило Дмитрович; Nikolaev, KyryloEnergy saving and rational use of nature resources are fundamental base of sustainable development and its principles are founded on the UN Conference in 1992 (Rio de Janeiro), revised on the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 and confirmed on the Conference “Rio+20” in 2012. It deals not only with industry and economics, but also with the tourism industry, which leads to certain impacts and threats for the environment.
- ItemQuality assurance services and products – the basis of agritourism in Ukraine(2015-05) Babikova, Kateryna; Бабікова, Катерина ОлександрівнаАгротуристична діяльність – пріоритетний напрямок розвитку туристичної діяльності в Україні. Масовість відпочинку, рекреаційна привабливість регіонів зумовлюють до постійного моніторингу й контролю за якістю основних компонентів довкілля (атмосферне повітря, ґрунт, питна вода, рослинницька продукція тощо), а також послуг, які надаються туристам. Відсутність статистичних даних, організованих, систематичних досліджень і зумовлюють актуальність та практичну значимість отриманих результатів. Проведення комплексного аналізу екологічної ситуації в регіонах, залучених до агротуризму відіграє важливу роль у забезпеченні якості послуг та продукції. По-перше, агротуристична діяльність тісно взаємопов’язана зі станом природно-ресурсного потенціалу, по-друге, розвиток аграрного туризму певною мірою залежить від екологічних факторів. Вагомим аспектом забезпечення якості продукції та послуг є екологічна паспортизація та категоризація агросадиб (у відповідності до існуючих національних і міжнародних стандартів). Агросадиби, які пройшли екологічну паспортизацію та отримали відповідний сертифікат, в першу чергу гарантують високу якість послуг та охочіше відвідуються екологічно свідомими туристами. Введення у практику системи екологічної паспортизації й категоризації дозволяє власникам агросадиб: підвищити конкурентноздатність на ринку агротуристичних послуг; розширити обсяги вирощення екологічно чистої продукції; збільшити число відпочиваючих в садибах; отримати більше прибутків; підвищити екологічну свідомість та культуру тощо . Управління якістю продукції та послуг в сфері аграрного туризму є вкрай необхідним та, на жаль, не вирішеним завданням. А тому, на порядку денному повинно стояти питання щодо забезпечення якісного відпочинку та оздоровлення людини в сільських регіонах з екологічно сприятливими умовами, однак з найменшим (практично відсутнім) впливом на довкілля.
- ItemStatutory basis of tourism organization in Ukraine rural regions(London, IASHE, 2012) Nikolaev, Kiril; Babikova, KaterynaThe normative concepts of rural and agrotourism are examined in this article. The necessity and actuality of ecological certification of touristic objects and rural farmstead.
- ItemUsing hilbert transform in diagnostic of composite materials by impedance method(Periodica polytechnica electrical engineering and computer science, 2020-08-13) Eremenko, Volodymyr; Zaporozhets, Artur; Babak, Vitalii; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Babikova, KaterynaThe article is devoted to the problem of the increasing of information quality for the impedance method of nondestructive testing. The purpose of this article is to get for the pulsed impedance method of nondestructive testing the additional informative parameters. Instantaneous values of the information signal's amplitude is a sensitive parameter to the effects of interference, in particular friction, which necessitates the use of additional informative features. It was experimentally measured signals from defective and defectless areas of the test pattern. Using of the Hilbert transform gave possibility to determine phase characteristics of these signals and realize demodulation to extract a low-frequency envelope for further analysis of its shape. It was received the informative features as a result of researches. Among them are instantaneous frequency of a signal, the integral of a phase characteristic on the selected interval and the integral of a difference signal phase characteristics. In order to compare quality of the defect detection using selected parameters it was carried out evaluation of the testing result reliability for a product fragment made of a composite material. Considering the influence of the change in the mechanical impedance of the researched area on the phase-frequency characteristics of the output signal of the converter, it is proposed to use as the diagnostic signs: the instantaneous frequency and the value of the phase characteristic of the current signal for certain points in time. The proposed informative features enable to increase general reliability of composite materials testing by the pulsed impedance method.