Browsing by Author "Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович"
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- ItemAircraft Fuel Measurement System Based on Hydrostatic Pressure Sensor(National Aviation University, 2023-09-29) Smirnov, Oleg; Смірнов, Олег Ігорович; Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичThe construction of an aircraft fuel-measuring system based on hydrostatic pressure sensors is considered, which makes it possible to determine the fuel residue in the aircraft tanks during its evolutions. With the evolution of aircraft, measuring the fuel residue in existing fuel metering systems using float and capacitive fuel level sensors has a rather complex electromechanical design and significant weight and size characteristics. This together affects the reliability of such systems as a whole and leads to significant methodological errors in determining the remaining fuel during maneuverable flight. The proposed system using hydrostatic pressure sensors and a computer can significantly increase the efficiency of existing fuel metering systems, and can also be used for calibration tests both on the ground and in flight.
- ItemAnalysis of the accuracy's criteria of the flight control and guidance system(National Aviation University, 2022-01-05) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичIt is shown that in the practice of designing Flight Control and Guidance System it is necessary to solve not only single-objective optimization problems related to the field of deterministic processes, but also to optimize random variables and functions. It is to such tasks that the analysis of the criterion of accuracy of the designed Flight Control and Guidance System belongs. In the paper, considering the navigation process as a stationary random process, a probabilistic criterion for the quality of aircraft navigation is formulated in the form of a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the Flight Control and Guidance System that ensures that the aircraft does not leave the specified corridor for a specified time. Formulas are obtained for calculating the accuracy criterion of Flight Control and Guidance System in across track separation. It is shown that in order to calculate the accuracy criterion of the Flight Control and Guidance System, it is sufficient to know the correlation function of the lateral deviation errors, which can be obtained either by the calculation method, or by modeling, or by a flight experiment.
- ItemAutomatic control contours of uav using only reliable information from sensors of direct measurement information(Osvita Ukrainy, 2015-09) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Prymak, Artem; Примак, Артем Петрович; Babeniuk, Anna; Бабенюк, Анна МиколаївнаThis paper presents principles of the reconfiguration of automatic control loops of UAV in which at the stage of exit from zone of the active jamming uses only reliable information that's obtained only by autonomous measurement and can't cause the loss of the UAV. Designed control laws of the UAV’s autopilot and execute their comprehensive investigation.
- ItemAutomation of technology of air-to-air refueling regional aircraft(Osvita Ukrainy, Kyiv, 2016-06) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичHere are considered benefits of airlift using a phase in-flight refueling civil aircraft. Such technologies provide in particular for regional aircraft of Ukrainian production their main advantages at long flights. The variants of automation of this phase of the flight are proposed.
- ItemDamped Micromechanical Hyrovertical(National Aviation University, 2022-09-26) Filyashkin, Mykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Smirnov, Oleg; Смірнов, Олег ІгоровичThe article considers the methods for vertical gyro construction on rough microelectromechanical elements, such as: angular velocity sensors and accelerometers. It is proposed to improve the accuracy of the microelectromechanical vertical gyro by combining it with a satellite navigation system. The solutions proposed in the article make it possible to improve the accuracy of the integrated vertical gyro based on micromechanical technologies, by the means of complex data processing that uses a compensation scheme with the latest dynamic filter, which practically does not distort the errors of the strapdown inertial microelectromechanical vertical gyro, and thus obtain an estimate of the ground speed as close to the true speed as possible. Based on the obtained estimate, it is proposed to construct a scheme of the vertical gyro speed correction (damping scheme), which would significantly improve the accuracy of estimation of the angular orientation’s parameters.
- ItemHinged Set of Guidance of a Controlled Fire-extinguishing Bomb(National Aviation University, 2023-03-27) Filyashkin, M. K.; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичThe guidance system of a fire-extinguishing bomb in the form of a hinged guidance kit is considered, which turns the bomb into a simple and fairly cheap fire-extinguishing device of the "throw and forget" type, optimized for mass production and use. In order to increase the accuracy of dropping a fire-extinguishing bomb, it is proposed to install a cheap high-precision and compact GPS navigation satellite system and a strapdown inertial system on an ordinary fire-extinguishing bomb. The algorithm of complex information processing of their systems, built on the basis of the improved method of the mutual compensation, in which for improve the quality of the error estimation procedure, the sluggishness of second-order Butterworth filters is compensated is proposed. The guidance system controls the trajectory of the fire-extinguishing bomb as a means of "first strike" and this increases the efficiency of further use of traditional flood systems by 50...70 times.
- ItemMethod of measuring of angular orientation parameters in micromechanical inertial-satellite navigation systems(Osvita Ukrainy, 2014-12) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичAre given the method of determination of angular parameters, which is used in micromechanical inertial-satellite systems, constructed by the method of compensation or based on the reduced Kalman filter. Measurement errors of roll and pitch angles are investigated by the proposed method with aircraft performing various maneuvers and with changing the acceleration and attitude.
- ItemModeling Complex for Studies of Methodical and Instrumental Errors of the Strapdown Inertial Navigation System(National Aviation University, 2023-12-27) Filyashkin, Mykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Smirnov, Oleg; Смірнов, Олег ІгоровичTo study the accuracy characteristics, a strapdown inertial navigation system is represented as a set of kinematic equations and equations of a mathematical model of the Earth. Based on the mathematical model in the Matlab-Simulink package, a modeling complex was created, consisting of subsystems of the reference and studied navigation system, subsystems of the reference and simplified model of the Earth and a subsystem of primary information sensors. In navigation subsystems, kinematic equations of inertial navigation algorithms are solved, and matrices of direction cosines are formed. In the subsystems of the Earth model, the parameters of the Earth's spheroid and the acceleration of gravity are calculated. The sensor models are developed based on the characteristics of low-cost microelectromechanical sensors. The purpose of the study was to assess methodological and instrumental errors as the difference in the dead reckoning signals of the flight navigation parameters of the reference and studied navigation systems. Methodological errors of the system are played up by simplifications of the parameters of the earth's spheroid, and instrumental errors are caused by errors in inertial sensors.
- ItemParticle filtering technique for aircraft control in highly-disturbed GPS-denied environment(National Aviation University, 2020-03-24) Mukhina, Maryna; Мухіна, Марина Петрівна; Filyashkin, Mykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Kazak, Vasil; Казак, Василь Миколайович; Shevchuk, Dmytro; Шевчук, Дмитро ОлеговичThe problem of aircraft control is considered for certain class of situation, namely when aircraft enters GPS-denied zone with significant disturbances of different nature which may cause the constructive damage and the loss of control. The only source of information is from inertial navigation system that need to be aided by correlation extreme navigation system, for example. In the paper the control problem is solved by using particle filtering technique for correlation extreme navigation system which outputs form the control vector. Further the structural reconfiguration is done by redistributing control or changing the control law in order to create the necessary control forces and moments, maintain acceptable control quality and return for the desired track. The lack of reliable navigation information is compensated by correlation extreme navigation system working by terrain filed of the Earth to be included into control contour. The researches have been conducted by mathematical modeling of the developed algorithms in mathematical software package MATLAB using terrain field (the part of Carpathians territory). The results proved the high accuracy of navigation solution and stability of control estimated by error of closing loop.
- ItemShort runway landing automation(National Aviation University, 2020-12-12) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Sidorenko, Maxim; Сідоренко, Максим ВалентиновичThe issues of automation of aircraft landing control on a short runway are considered. A scheme for constructing an approach tract along a steeper glide path and with a touchdown point located at the very beginning of the runway is proposed, which makes it possible to reduce the length of the air section and the required length of the runway. Formulas are proposed for recalculating the glide path holding parameters for the implementation of automatic control of the descent and landing of the aircraft. To reduce the size of the landing zone, it is proposed to construct a landing trajectory according to the method of controlling the final state during landing along a flexible trajectory. The principles of constructing systems for automatic control of aircraft landing based on algorithms with a predictive model with a gradual approach to the forecast horizon are considered.
- ItemStudy of the dynamics of automatic control loops of heavy quadcopter(National Aviation University, 2020-10-02) Filyashkin, Мykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичConsidered the issues of a heavy quadcopter control automation. A mathematical model of the dynamics of motion of a quadcopter is proposed, taking into account the effect of inertia of the change in the speed of rotation of the lifting rotors. The model reveals the dependences of aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a quadcopter. For the purpose of simplification, it is proposed to use mathematical model of only an isolated pre-linearized longitudinal motion of a quadcopter for research. The use for automatic control of a quadrocopter is substantiated not by PID, but by PD-regulation. Variants of control laws are proposed that exclude the influence of the inertia effect on the dynamics of control loops.
- ItemTwo-circuit System of Automated Control of Low-Altitude Helicopter Flight(National Aviation University, 2024-03-29) Filyashkin, Mykola; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичThe mode of automatic control of a low-altitude flight of a helicopter over heavily rugged terrain based on information about the inclined range is considered. It is shown that at high flight speeds it is impossible to overcome strictly vertical obstacles without changing the angle of inclination of the rangefinder antenna to the horizon depending on the flight speed, or without reducing the flight speed when approaching such an obstacle. Algorithms for controlling low-altitude flight using a two-channel scheme are proposed, namely, at high speeds through the longitudinal channel of the swashplate, and at low speeds – through the channel of the general pitch of the main rotor. The problem of optimal control of low-altitude helicopter flight is formulated, which can be presented as a variational problem with restrictions on phase coordinates and control influences. Ways to optimize the process of circumventing an obstacle with forecasting the trajectory of the helicopter on a certain section of the route with subsequent stabilization of the helicopter on this trajectory are shown.
- ItemИспользование косвенных методов измерений при оценке точностных характеристик измерителей вертикали на этапе летных испытаний(Національний авіаційний університет, 2010) Рогожин, Віктор Олександрович; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичРассмотрены вопросы возможности определения точных характеристик углов крена и тангажа, измеряемых системой курсовертикали, на этапе летных испытаний без использования средств внешнетраекторных измерений по информации о координатах местоположения самолета от спутниковой системы навигации.
- ItemКОМПЮТЕРНО-ІНТЕГРОВАНІ СИСТЕМИ ТА КОМПЛЕКСИ ПІЛОТАЖНО-НАВІГАЦІЙНОГО ОБЛАДНАННЯ(Київ Видавництво Національного авіаційного університету «НАУ – друк», 2011) Рогожин, Віктор Олександрович; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичПодано методичні рекомендації до виконання курсового проекту з дисципліни «Комп’ютерно - інтегровані системи та комплекси пілотажно-навігаційного обладнання» Для студентів напряму 6.051103 «Авіоніка»
- ItemПілотажно-навігаційні комплекси повітряних суден(К.: НАУ, 2005) Рогожин, Віктор Олександрович; Синєглазов, Віктор Михайлович; Філяшкін, Микола КириловичСистематизовано викладено теорію побудови пілотажно-навігаційних комплексів повітряних суден і методи обробки ін фор-мації, включаючи методи оптимальної обробки, наведено типові алгоритми функціонування пілотажно-навігаційних комплексів на основних етапах польоту повітряного судна, починаючи зі зльоту та набору висоти і закінчуючи етапом посадки. Докладно розглянути тактико-технічні вимоги до пілотажно-навігаційних комплексів, надається стисла характери підсистем, що входять до складу пілотажно-навігаційних комплексів, розглядають-ся питання підготовки комплексів до польотів з використанням гео-дезичної та картографічної інформації. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, може бути корисним інженерно-технічному складу авіаційних підприємств, а також інженерам у галузі розробки та досліджень пілотажно-навігаційних комплексів літальних апаратів.
- ItemІНЕРЦІАЛЬНО-СУПУТНИКОВІ НАВІГАЦІЙНІ СИСТЕМИ(К.: Книжкове вид-во НАУ, 2008) Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Рогожин, Віктор Олександрович; Скрипець, Андрій Васильович; Лукінова, Т.І.Систематизовано викладено принципи побудови супутникових й інерціальних навігаційних систем повітряних суден. Наведені ти-пові алгоритми їх функціонування. Окремо для інерціальних навіга-ційних систем розглянуті їхні датчики первинної інформації, вклю-чаючи мікромеха¬ніч¬ні, що виготовленні на основі MEMS-технологій, та варіанти побудови гіростабілізованих платформ. Проаналізовані джерела похибок окремих навігаційних систем. Наведено класифікацію інерціально-супутникових навігаційних систем і можливі варіанти їхньої реалізації. Розглянуті основні алго-ритми сумісної обробки інформації. Сформульована в загальній пос-тановці задача опти¬мального комплексування інерціальної та супут-никової систем навігації, розглянуті варіанти реалізації алгоритмів комплексування. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, може бути корисним інженерно-технічному складу авіаційних підприємств, а також інже-нерам у галузі розробки та досліджень інерціально-супутникових си-стем навігації .