Browsing by Author "Кошетар, Уляна"
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- ItemSocial and economic aspects of the formation of environmental consciousness(E3s web of conferences, 2021-03) Koshetar, Uliana; Orochovska, Liudmyla; Lytvynska, Svitlana; Stetsyk, Chrystyna; Кошетар, Уляна; Ороховська, Людмила; Литвинська, Світлана; Стецик, ХристинаThe problem of the interaction of nature and society is ontological in nature, and identifies the direction of the existence of humanity as a single planetary system. The actualization of the concept of "world" relative to the historical process falls at the end of the 19th – beginning of the twentieth century due to the leveling of economic and cultural national characteristics, the formation of a system of labour division at the interstate level, the growth of the role of the media in intercontinental communication. In the twentieth century the existence of capitalist and quasi-socialist social and economic systems affects the development of the world community as a process due to competition and interdependence. This influenced on the directions of the implementation of the scientific and technical revolution, namely on the correlation between material overproduction and the spiritual development of a person and humanity as a whole, which in turn led to a crisis in environmental consciousness. An increase in the sphere of activity and knowledge, the formation of a new system of industrial relations, technological pollution of the environment led towards a global environmental crisis at the beginning of the 21st century. Solving the problem of ecological consciousness at the present stage has become not only the task of describing the vectors of scientific researches in the sector of societynature interaction, but is the main basis for both the development and the existence of civilization as a whole.
- ItemThe Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Activities of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine(Springer, 2022-08) Koshetar, Uliana; Lytvynska, Svitlana; Senchylo-Tatlilioglu, Nadiia; Sibruk, Anastasiia; Onufriychuk, Hanna; Кошетар, Уляна; Литвинська, Світлана; Сенчило-Татліліоґлу, Надія; Сібрук, Анастасія; Онуфрійчук, ГаннаThe article provides an overview of analytical studies, presents the main trends, experience and aspects of the integration of information and communication technologies into the education system in the context of the globalization of the information environment, the pandemic of acute respiratory disease COVID-19, taking into account the completion of the MES of Ukraine, the development of standards of higher education at all levels on a competent basis and the challenges of the digital generation, requires alternative forms of education. The theoretical basis of the study was the provisions and concepts of classical, non-classical and post-classical works on philosophy, sociology. The methodological basis of the study was determined by: a systemic approach, a structural and functional approach, a sociological approach. The study used methods of abstraction, generalization, methods of qualitative and quantitative processing of information, methods of comparison, sociological survey. Applying the possibilities of social networks in the educational process involves three areas: an additional opportunity for students to work independently; deepening educational material and educational opportunities; use of online materials by teachers for a variety of text and visual materials for conducting classes, writing plans, lecture notes, scientific articles, organizing educational events.
- ItemTrends and prospects for the world economy and international economic relations(Polish Eonomic Society, 2020) Simakhova, Anastasiia; Polous, Olga; Orokhovska, Liudmyla; Koshetar, Uliana; Salkova, Iryna; Zhavoronkova, Galyna; Zhavoronkov, Volodymyr; Kovalenko, Nataliia; Mykhalchenko, Inna; Miziuk, Svitlana; Kniazieva, Tetiana; Radchenko, Hanna; Сімахова, Анастасія; Полоус, Ольга; Ороховська, Людмила; Кошетар, Уляна; Салькова, Ірина; Жаворонкова, Галина; Жаворонков, Володимир; Коваленко, Наталія; Михальченко, Інна; Мізюк, Світлана; Князєва, Тетяна; Радченко, ГаннаCollective monograph devoted to the analysis of transformations in the world economy in the era of globalization. Studies have consistently taken into account that the processes of transnationalization of the economy affect the economic activities of all countries, strengthen and strengthen global economic relations, transform the social structure of society. However, economic development also causes a number of negative trends and threats in the field of environment, which requires the coordination of efforts of the world community to prevent environmental disasters. The monograph presents the research results showing that economic development and socio-political transformations in Ukraine raise a number of issues, the solution of which will depend on the further progress of Ukrainian society, its inclusion into the circle of developed economies. The monograph can be useful for scientists, teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates and all who are interested in the problem of indirectness of society in the economic sphere. The research results are published by the authors in the original language. The published materials reflect the authors' own opinion and scientific position and may not coincide with the editors' point of view. The authors are responsible for the content of the materials.
- ItemРеабілітаційний аспект соціальних комунікацій в умовах російсько-української війни (на прикладі центру реабілітації та адаптації учасників АТО та ООС «Ярміз»)(Західноукраїнський національний університет, 2022-08) Литвинська, Світлана; Кошетар, Уляна; Сібрук, Анастасія; Lytvynska, Svytlana; Koshetar, Uliana; Sibruk, AnastasiiaРеабілітаційна робота з ветеранами та членами їхніх сімей може мати різні напрями та форми. Важливо, щоб постраждалі виходили з депресивного стану, відновлювали навички створювати позитивні контакти, опановували уміння вільно спілкуватися державною українською та англійською мовами, поглиблювали свої знання з історії й культури рідного народу та народів світу.
- ItemРизома як термін: еволюція поняття в сучасній термінології та філософії(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024) Кошетар, Уляна; Koshetar, UlyanaВажливі категорії філософії мови – термін і поняття. останні використовують для того, щоб визначити концепції, феномени та ідеї. спосіб репрезентації та використання в основному складає різницю між ними. Термін – це слово, який має визначене значення в мові чи певній дисципліні. термін може бути стандартизованим і може використовуватися з метою позначення поняття, предмета.