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- ItemКонституціоналізація інтелектуальної власності в умовах інформаційного суспільства і економіки знань(Національний авіаційний університет, 2020-06-22) Бочарова, Наталія Василівна; Bocharova, N.V.Дисертація присвячена дослідженню конституціоналізації права інтелектуальної власності в умовах інформаційного суспільства і економіки знань. Аналізуються історико-правові аспекти матеріально-правового конституювання права людини на результати творчої діяльності і інтелектуальну власність та рівні формалізації права на інтелектуальну власність в конституційних текстах країн світу. Розкрите значення конституційного правосуддя та загальних конституційно-процесуальних норм для вирішення складних проблем забезпечення права інтелектуальної власності. Встановлено, що конституціоналізація інтелектуальної власності сприяє визначенню інноваційного вектору розвитку в органічному зв’язку з розвитком демократичних засад суспільства і забезпечення прав людини. Сформульоване дефінітивне визначення поняття «конституціоналізація інтелектуальної власності». В науково-практичній площині запропоновані доповнення і поправки для вдосконалення нормативно-правового регулювання інтелектуальної власності в конституційному і галузевому законодавстві. Дослідження ґрунтується на основі використання конституційно-правових актів та актів законодавства держав світу, міжнародно-правових актів з прав людини, доктринальних джерел вітчизняної та зарубіжної юриспруденції. Диссертация посвящена исследованию конституционализации права интеллектуальной собственности в условиях информационного общества и экономики знаний. Анализируются историко-правовые аспекты материально-правового конституирования права человека на результаты творческой деятельности и интеллектуальной собственности и уровне формализации права на интеллектуальную собственность в конституционных текстах стран мира. Раскрыто значение конституционного правосудия и общих конституционно- процессуальных норм для решения сложных проблем обеспечения права интеллектуальной собственности. Проанализированы особенности наднациональной конституционализации интеллектуальной собственности на примере законодательства и правоприменительной практики Европейского Союза. Установлено, что конституционализация интеллектуальной собственности способствует определению инновационного вектора развития в органической связи с развитием демократических основ общества и обеспечения прав человека. Сформулировано дефинитивное определение понятия «конституционализация интеллектуальной собственности». В научно- практической плоскости предложенны дополнения и поправки по совершенствованию нормативно-правового регулирования интеллектуальной собственности в конституционном и отраслевом законодательстве. Исследование основывается на использовании конституционно-правовых актов и актов законодательства государств мира, международно-правовых актов по правам человека, доктринальных источников отечественной и зарубежной юриспруденции. The dissertation is devoted to the research of the constitutionalization of intellectual property rights in the conditions of information society and knowledge economy. The historical and legal aspects of the substantive legal constitution of the human right to the results of creative activity and intellectual property and the levels of formalization of the right to intellectual property in the constitutional texts of the countries of the world are analyzed. The importance of constitutional justice and general constitutional and procedural norms for solving complex problems of intellectual property rights is revealed. It is established that the constitutionalization of intellectual property contributes to the definition of an innovative vector of development in an organic connection with the development of democratic principles of society and the protection of human rights. The definitive definition of the concept of «constitutionalization of intellectual property» is formulated. In the scientific and practical field, amendments and amendments are proposed to improve the legal and regulatory regulation of intellectual property in constitutional and sectoral legislation. The research is based on the use of constitutional and legal acts of the states of the world, international legal acts on human rights, doctrinal sources of domestic and foreign jurisprudence. The problem of the constitutionalization of intellectual property belongs to the new directions in the science of constitutional law, which have appeared within the framework of the general concept of the specifics of constitutional and legal regulation in the conditions of the information society and knowledge economy. The research revealed that the process of constitutionalization of intellectual property is associated with a significant expansion of the influence of constitutions on the overall process of legal regulation in the modern world. The theoretical analysis of the constitutionalization of intellectual property in conceptual terms is based on the two constituted in its mechanism – primary constitutionalization (or normative-legislative), which consists in fixing in the texts of the constitutions the intellectual property, and secondary constitutionalization (or normative-interpretative) that, in the context of this study, is related to the activities of constitutional courts. The anthropological approach to legal support and protection of intellectual property, which should be taken from the standpoint of guaranteeing the rights of the individual, is defined. The dissertation researches the conceptual understanding of the place of the human right to the results of creative activity and intellectual property in the system of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen are improved. It is emphasized that the constitutional right of intellectual property has a dual nature. On the one hand, it belongs to cultural rights according to the modern catalog of human rights, on the other – to economic rights, since its objects have value, like other products of human labor, and can be included in commercial turnover. The paper substantiates a doctrinal approach to the understanding of intellectual property as a modern constitutional value, which becomes a blessing that is perceived as the most significant, important and obligatory, since it ensures the development of scientific and technological progress and thus determines the further civilizational social development. It is established that the constitutionalization of intellectual property will prevent the definition of an innovative vector of development in the organic connection with the development of democratic principles of society and the protection of human rights. The dissertation proposes a new vision of ways and methods of formation of public recognition and education of respect for intellectual property; formulated the concept of public-private partnership in the form of a combination of efforts of state institutions and civil society to influence the public consciousness and to coordinate activities to clarify the role and importance of intellectual property for the progressive development of humanity. Examples of such partnership in foreign countries are presented and analyzed. It has been found that the constitutionalization of intellectual property involves active use in the process of securing it and the legal protection of constitutional procedural norms. Definitely that the essence of constitutional and procedural protection of the human right to the results of creative activity and intellectual property lies in the use of special constitutional procedural rights-guarantees, which create the proper legal prerequisites for a normal legal process and the achievement of the objectives of constitutional relations by the subjects. Such rules have their own constitutional formulation and their own regulatory content. The doctrinal clause is revealed that constitutional and special legislation should be geared towards ensuring the creativity of creators of intellectual products, but at the same time take into account the interests of owners of property rights in intellectual property. At the same time, reasonable restrictions on the rights of creators and copyright holders in the public interest (terms of legal protection, open and compulsory licenses, etc.) are possible. Such restrictions should be based on constitutional provisions on the restriction of human rights and freedoms and take account of international law approaches. Features of supranational constitutionalization of intellectual property on the example of legislation and law enforcement practice of the European Union are analyzed. The constitutional status of intellectual property rights is based on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The EU experience shows that fundamental rights are not only guidelines for the application of existing intellectual property law, but also for its reorganization (or modernization) in the future. The further development of intellectual property rights in a united Europe will be linked to the recognition of fundamental rights as the basis of the entire system of enforcement and protection of intellectual property. The thesis reveals that the innovative development and introduction of new technologies have led to an increase in the commercial value of knowledge and the need for their legal protection. This has shifted attention from the consideration of intellectual rights in the context of cultural rights and freedoms to analysis in the system of economic rights and freedoms. Therefore, the economic aspects of intellectual property need to be constitutionally defined. Constitutional rules should be embodied in current intellectual property legislation and determine the organizational foundations for building a state-owned intellectual property protection system. It is acknowledged that it is appropriate to amend the Constitution of Ukraine by including a provision on the state's duty to take care of problems of innovative development and effective use of intellectual achievements of creators in the conditions of the information society.