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Title: Properties of novel protease of Streptomyces sp. required for fuel ethanol production
Authors: Гаркава, Катерина Григорівна
Нідялкова, Н.А.
Варбанець, Л.Д.
Трошина, Л.О.
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Garkava K.G. Properties of novel protease of Streptomyces sp. required for fuel ethanol production / K.G. Garkava, N.A. Nidialkova, L.D. Varbanets, L.O. Troshina // PROCEEGINGS.The seventh world congress “ Aviation in the XXI century”, Kiev, Ukraine, 19-21 september, 2016.- P.5.1.1.-5.1.3.
Abstract: New protease isolated from Streptomyces sp. 12 was studied. The maximal specific proteolytic activity of purified protease was 538 U∙mg of protein-1, Mr is about 35.6 kDa and optimal conditions of hydrolysis give effect at pH 8.0 and temperature 50 °С. Study of the substrate specificity permits to use enzyme in fuel production
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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