Шуст, Наталія БорисівнаСмородина, А.Є.2018-07-032018-07-032018-05http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/35559Based on the results of the sociological studies, it was found that students require to receive from the University free educational materials in electronic form. It is not about e-Learning, but about an issue on free access to scientific and educational literary works. At the same time, civil legislation and specific legislation on intellectual property of Ukraine do not envisage a ready-made legal structure to enjoy the IP rights and preserve the interests of all parties: a student as the recipient of educational materials; the University as a party, which is obliged to provide student with high-quality educational services; and a lecturer as the author of such educational materials. This article contains a general analysis of the legal regulation of proprietary IP rights to be licensed to third parties, including through public licenses.enintellectual property, copyright, license, civil legislation of UkraineFREE E-MATERIALS FOR EDUCATION vs COPYRIGHT IN UKRAINEArticle