Yarmolchyk, MariaЯрмольчик, Марія Олегівна2021-08-042021-08-042021-04-07Yarmolchyk M.O. Aggressiveness and Conflict as Determinants for Choosing Coping Strategies in the Military during Decompression // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. – P.141-142.УДК 001:378-057.87 (063)https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/52261Important parameters when you choosing coping strategies are aggression and conflict of personality. According to E.P. Ilyin and P.A. Kovalev, aggressive behavior, aggression (from the Latin aggression - attack) - is a motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms of human existence, causes physical or psychological harm to the object of attack.enaggressivenessconflictdeterminants for choosing coping strategiesmilitary during decompressionAggressiveness and Conflict as Determinants for Choosing Coping Strategies in the Military during DecompressionThesis159 94: 364-786-057.36(043.2)