Grekova, L.Loetska, S.2023-03-302023-03-302023-02-24Grekova L., Loetska S. To the issues of the problems of digital forensics and ways to resolve // Свобода, безпека та незалежність: правовий вимір: [Матеріали ХІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 24 лютого 2023 р.] – c. 319-321978-966-8126-89-5Тези науково-педагогічних працівників, аспірантів та здобувачів вищої освіти.At the present, the evolution of digital technologies, electronic communications, the Internet has caused a significant impact on the entire legal system has led to the development of scientific knowledge about the investigation of crimes related to computer information, the study of digital evidence and methods for searching for digital information. Nowadays digital forensics is developing rapidly. Its purpose is to obtain evidence from digital storage that exist on various devices - from mobile phones to servers, establishing facts (circumstances) that are important for pre-trial investigation bodies or the court, based on a study of the patterns of progress and operation of computer tools and systems that ensure the implementation of information processes.endigital technologieselectronic communicationscrimes related to computer informationscientific knowledgeTo the issues of the problems of digital forensics and ways to resolveThesis343.98(043.2)