Володарський, Євген ТимофімовичКошева, Лариса ОлександрівнаБулигіна, Олена Вячеславівна2021-02-252021-02-252014-08-25https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/47816New method of the assessing suitability of the human operator extreme activities is proposed. It is based on a three-component statistical criterion. In evaluating the suitability of an operator the stability of a generalized estimate of ratio of energy of the biological signal can be used. As a "benchmark" standards the indicators of the psycho-physiological state of a group of operators having a positive long experience are accepted. If number of samples obtained in the experimental study is limited, then to improve the reliability the robust procedure of estimation is proposed to use.enMetod of measurement the human operator professional fitnes to the extreme activity621.391.372