Budiakova, O.2021-12-152021-12-152021-10-21Budiakova O. Adaptability in the digital economy // Abstracts ІІ International scientific-practical conference "Economic and business administration development:scientific currencies and solutions". October 21, 2021. Tom 2. K .: NAU, 2021. 44-46 P.https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/533771. Mykola Denysenko, Olena Budiakova Modern strategies personnel management in the epoch of the digital economy Digital economy and digital society: Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology Monograph 22. – Wydawnictwo Katowicach, 2019. – С. 234-242. 2. Денисенко М.П., Будякова О.Ю. Сучасні стратегії управління персоналом підприємств. Приазовський економічний вісник. 2018. № 5(10). C.175-181. 3. Денисенко М.П., Будякова О.Ю., Волощук Ю.В. Зарубіжний досвід управління персоналом. Вченi записки Унiверситету «КРОК» (економічні науки). № 2(54). 2019. C. 137-144. 4. Budiakova O., Tsarenok D. Innovative solutions for enterprise personnel іn the digital economy. Innovative solutions in modern science. 2019. №6 (33). P. 5-18.Adapting and functioning well in today's world can only be achieved by mastering and constantly developing key competencies in this area. The best companies – the so-called «digital elite» (Digirati) – combine digital activism and strong leadership, making the transition from simply using information technology to transforming the business. This is what is known as «digital maturity». Organizations vary significantly in this attribute, and those that are more digitally mature outperform their competitors in business. Analysts from Capgemini Consulting and the MIT Sloan School of Management analyzed more than 400 large companies from different industries to understand what digital business means to them. The results of the study showed that financial performance depends on the use of new technologies and management techniques in the following ways: Organizations that actively use technology and new management techniques are, on average, 26% more profitable than their competitors; organizations that invest heavily in digital technology, but pay little attention to management, have financial performance 11% lower; more conservative companies that improve only management gain plus 9% in profit, but could potentially acquire three times more with digital technology; those that have not yet chosen a growth strategy have negative financial performance compared to other market players – According to the results of the study, the conclusion is clear that today we need people who can not only conduct digital transformation, but also develop new business models for digital enterprisesenadaptabilitydigital economydigital activityleadershipinformation technologydigital maturityAdaptability in the digital economyThesis