Pron, Svitlana VitaliuvnaBorets, Iruna ValeriuvnaHerasumenko, Iruna MukolaivnaSoloviova, Olena Oleksandrivna2022-08-082022-08-082020-04-30Soloviova O., Pron S., Herasymenko I., Borets I. Modeling of the transport and production complex in the growing of agricultural crops, taking into account the aviation component. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies -. Kharkiv, – 2020. – P. 30-39 transport component has a significant impact on agricultural production, depending on its intensity and the level of development of agro-industrial integration, since transport is directly involved in the technological process of growing crops. Efficient use of transport and production resources makes it necessary to introduce modern resource-saving No-till technologies for growing crops, which is impossible without improving the transport component.entechnological processNo-till technologyresource-savingaviation equipmentground machinerytechnological mapModeling of the transport and production complex in the growing of agricultural crops taking into account the aviation componentOtherUDC 001.519,8:629.3:656.710.15587/1729-4061.2020.198742