Kapii, IgorКапій, Ігор Орестович2021-07-282021-07-282021-04-07Kapii I. Emotional Intelligence as a Factor of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of the Individual in Professions of "Humanhuman" Type // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. – P.118-119.УДК 001:378-057.87 (063)https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/52242The relevance of the study is due to the fact that a high level of socio-psychological adaptation affects the productivity of the specialist; his ability to perceive the new, which is an attribute of information societies; maintaining mental balance and health. During the process of socio-psychological adaptation not only the individual changes but also his environment, thus, between the specialist and the professional environment, the relationship of adaptability is established, which is especially important for professions of "human-human" type.enemotional intelligencesocio-psychological adaptationindividual in professions"humanhuman" typeEmotional Intelligence as a Factor of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of the Individual in Professions of "Humanhuman" TypeThesis159.26 (043.2)