Болдирєва Лариса ВладиславівнаBoldyreva LarisaБолдырева Лариса ВладиславовнаНечипорчук АлінаNechyporchuk AlinaНечипорук АлинаВолоха Микола ПетровичVolokha MykolaВолоха Николай Петрович2015-05-122015-05-122013-05-08978-609-457-490-02029-71572029-7149978-609-457-489-4http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/14326There are shown the results of research in designing a new model of the disk tooth of the tillage tool and formulas to determine the work of crushing of the chunk of soil depending on its condition and degree of the crushing. Modeling of the working units of the tillage tools requires the shape of working surface with its complex movement in space to perform predefined effects on soil.enPresowing tillage;tillage disk;baking;working surface;forms;the diameter of lumps;energy costs;field germination of seeds.Modeling of the working surface form of the topsoil loosenerArticle