Козлова, Тетяна ВолодимирівнаШквар, Євгеній ОлексійовичМовчан, В.T.2022-08-082022-08-082014Turbulence modeling is one of very actual practical problems, having a wide range of different technical applications. At the same time , even now this is one of the most difficult scientific problem due to complexity of physical mechanism of turbulence phenomenon. The goal of this research is to build a universal as far as possible approach for constructing the mathematical description of turbulent viscosity and illustrate its applicability on several different levels of near-wall flow complexityhttps://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/56019enHybrid algebraic – one-parametric differential model of turbulenceUNIVERSAL MULTILEVEL APPROACHTURBULENCEUNIVERSAL MULTILEVEL APPROACH FOR MATHEMATICAL CONSTRUCTING THE MODELS OF NEAR-WALL TURBULENCEArticle532.526