Смерічевський, Сергій ФранцовичSmerichevskyi, Serhii FrantsovychКнязєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівнаKniazieva, Tetiana ViacheslavivnaСмерічевська, Світлана ВасилівнаSmerichevska, Svitlana VasylivnaШевченко, Анна ВалеріївнаShevchenko, Anna Valeriivna2020-06-052020-06-052019S. Smerichevskyi, T. Kniazieva, S. Smerichevska, A. Shevchenko. Assortment portfolio price positioning of a transnational corporation in the Ukrainian market.// SHS Web of Conferences, 2019, Vol.67, 06048 p.http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/43302The development of management strategies under different market conditions and the choice of optimal positioning methods, including a wide range of producing products price positions, is an essential and complicated task for the companies’ management under current unstable market conditions, with a decrease in people's consumer activity. The search for sound management decisions is complicated due to many factors of the internal and external environment and requires a fully justified algorithm of actions. The management process is a whole series of interconnected analytical procedures and decisions that allow the company to move consistently towards achieving its intended strategic goal. These procedures and decisions are also typical for the process of price positioning formation, the importance of which is exceptionally high, given the fact that the price as a monetary category concentrates the expectations of financial results on which the company focused. In this respect, pricing becomes the basis of all other product management decisions.The paper deals with the critical stages of the evolution of theoretical approaches to the positioning strategies content. On this basis, the key approaches to the market positioning processes management formulated. The correlation between the concept of creating consumer value and the price positioning strategy proved. The algorithm of the process of forming and implementing the strategy of assortment portfolio price positioning of a transnational corporation on the Ukrainian market proposed.entransnational corporationUkrainian marketassortmentpriceAssortment portfolio price positioning of a transnational corporation in the Ukrainian marketArticle10.1051/shsconf /20196706048