Новак, Валентина ОлексіївнаКириленко, Оксана МиколаївнаІльєнко, Оксана ВікторівнаNovak, Valentyna OleksiivnaKyrylenko, OksanaIlienko, Oksana Viktorivna2018-05-162018-05-162017-121512-4916http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/34335This article examines the processes of harmonization of economic and legal bases of functioning of the transport system of Ukraine, which theoretically will allow access of our country to advanced European technology and investment, the main challenges for effective harmonisation of integration processes, namely the need to ensure the conformity of the national transport system of high standards and technical requirements of the transport markettaking into account he perspectivies of the national economy.enPERSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMYArticle