Шевченко, Юлія ВікторівнаShevchenko, Yuliya ViktorivnaMudryk, Viktoriia2021-01-122021-01-122020-11Shevchenko Yu., Mudryk V. Logistics supply chain management of enterprise // Innovative technologies. - Kyiv, 2020. S. 361—365https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/45140A significant role in increasing competitiveness is played by the ability to respond quickly to consumer needs, which is possible with a clear management of the supply chain. Successful supply chain management requires a number of basic needs: the availability of the necessary logistics infrastructure, the availability of highly qualified personnel, management support, the presence of a team leader, cooperation in the logistics chain should be formed on partnership. Logistics supply chain management is a comprehensive and systematic approach that requires the simultaneous consideration and accounting of many supply and marketing operations.Growing customer requirements and needs, progressive globalization and increasing pressure from market rivals are pushing modern businesses to integrate into supply chains. This solution leads to greater specialization as a result of the division of tasks between the individual members of the chain, reduced operating costs, risk sharing, benefits and information related to the actions taken, as well as the integration of actions and effective cooperation in order to better serve the end customer and gain a competitive advantage.enлогістикауправління ланцюгами поставокпідприємствоlogisticssupply chain managemententerpriseLogistics supply chain management of enterpriseЛогістика управління ланцюгами поставок підприємстваThesis658.7