Філик, Наталія ВолодимирівнаОмельченко, Г. В.2018-03-192018-03-192017http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/32936Purpose: authors focus their attention to the drawbacks of the effective legislation and form the main directions of the effective legislation improvement in accordance with international law in the context of the patent law objects protection. Methods: this paper summarizes a number of studies which use patent data and research special features of legal regulation of inventive activity. Results: consider several issues of patenting the patent law objects and clarify legal nature of relations arose during registration of the rights to the patent law objects. Discussion: during the research the authors focus their attention to the drawbacks of the effective legislation and form the main directions of the effective legislation improvement in accordance with international law in the context of the patent law objects protection. Special attention is devoted to analysis of the main threats of the patent law violations and ways to overcome them.eninventive activity, patent law, patent, invention, utility model, industrial design, legal protection.THE VALUE OF PATENTS AND IMPROVING PATENT PROTECTION OF INVENTIVE ACTIVITYArticle347.78