Kasianov, Vladimir AleksandrovichGoncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich2019-12-032019-12-032019-10-31Kasianov V. A. Elements of entropy conflict theory. Applications to the military conflicts / V. A. Kasianov, A. V. Goncharenko. – Kyiv, Ukraine: National Aviation University, - 2019. – 12 p.http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/40727Below, we are going to present some main categories and facts of ECT. Two types of preferences are introduced: “Object” preferences and “Subject” preferences. Correspondent distributions are supposed to be normalized. Those distributions are not probabilistic. The mentioned distributions are determined at the set of the attainable alternatives. The algebra of the alternatives has been developed before. Also, the notions of “Problem” and “Aim” have been introduced there.In recent publications, the concept of the entropy paradigm psychological implementation has been developed. As that was shown, this concept is widely applicable to the variety of social and psychological spheres in the study, management, prediction, and control of active systems. Psychological aspects of “War and Peace” issues are based upon the so called “Entropy Conflict Theory”.ensubjective entropypreferencemathematical modelratingconflictmilitarydecisionresourceElements of entropy conflict theory. Applications to the military conflictsArticle629.73:656.017:629.7.017(076.5)