Dreis, YuriiRoshchuk, MariiaRomanenko, Olga2018-02-282018-02-282018-02-21Y. Dreis, M. Roshchuk, O. Romanenko, "Sectors of critical information infrastructure", збірник тез доповідей IV міжнар. науково-практичної конференції 21-24 лютого 2018, с. 141-143.http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/32649the analysis of absence a list of critical infrastructure sectors is analyzed, taking into account experience the developed countries of the world. The main sectors of critical infrastructure are presented and in view of the fact that in most objects of critical infrastructure there is an information and telecommunication system that is vulnerable to various types of cyberattacks, a list of these sectors is proposed.encritical information infrastructure, information and telecommunication system, cybersecurity.Sectors of critical information infrastructureСектори критичної інформаційної інфраструктуриThesis