Стригуль (Кльов), Марина Василівна2014-10-172014-10-172012Klyov M.V. Ecologism as a philosophical concept and modern approach to the maintenance of nature // Perspectywy rozwoju nauki. – Warszawa: Wydawca "Diamond trading tour ", 2012. – Ч. 8. – C. 81 – 83978-83-63620-84-4http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/10610This article deals with the problem of ecologism among modern society. The author has studied ecological problem and the process of Ecologism at all. It mentioned that Ecologism has become a great phenomenon in the Postmodern society and such processes as globalization, decentralization, localization and changing the world order in general. It gives a comprehensive and systematic survey of the main components of Ecologism, and argues with the main points of Ecologism.enecologismEcologism as a pholosophical concept and modern approach to the maintenance of natureArticle