Kasianov, Vladimir AleksandrovichGoncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich2018-06-212018-06-212017-12-23Kasianov V. A. Extremal Principle of Subjective Analysis. Light and Shadow. Proportions of Shadow Economy. Entropy Approach. Екстремальний принцип суб’єктивного аналізу. Світло і тінь. Пропорції тіньової економіки. Ентропійний підхід (англійською мовою): monograph / V. A. Kasianov, A. V. Goncharenko. – Kyiv, Ukraine: Publishing House “Kafedra”, 2017. – 90 p. (ISBN 978-617-7301-41-6)978-617-7301-41-6http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/35361Development of the monographs with the similar titles of 1997 and 2013In the FIRST PART, a short survey of basic suppositions of SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS as well as of EXTREMAL ENTROPY PRINCIPLE and its applications to different directions are given. In the SECOND PART, it is considered models of two-component economic activity. Proposed a series of quantitative relations allowing evaluating “Light” and “Shadow” components in balances of firms who process double accounting. It is remarkable that there exist optimal, in every specific case, proportions and values of determining parameters from the point of view of both a Firm and the State’s also “Shadow” Structures. At probabilistic models it is taken into consideration the influence of extraordinary events upon the mentioned above components, which allows quantitatively evaluating the effectiveness of the policy and activity results, in particular, of the State in regards to the “Shadow” Economy. In the THIRD PART, on the basis of SUBJECTIVE ENTROPY MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE, it is considered individual preferences of “Players”, as well as shown in what way the models of the SECOND PART are derived as corollaries (followings) of the mentioned PRINCIPLE. In the FORTH PART, it is considered some provisions of SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS, from the statements of which it is possible to make further steps into the direction of the shadow economy models development. Specifically, it is possible to modify entropy to get a convenient tool for considered problem formalization. For specialists in the fields of theories and practices of economics, psychology, sociology, pedagogic, and decision making of any kind including medicine and engineering.enExtremal Principle of Subjective Analysis. Light and Shadow. Proportions of Shadow Economy. Entropy Approach.Book