Разумова, Катерина МиколаївнаRazumova, Kateryna2020-01-142020-01-142024http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/40866Rating system of evaluation (RSE) is a vital part of the working education plan and envisages the definition of the quality of the student's performance of all types of classroom and independent educational work and the level of knowledge and skills acquired by him by evaluating the results of this work in the balls during the current, module and semester control work, with the following transfer of marks from multi-scale scale to the national scale and ECTS scale.The working educational program is developed on the basis of the discipline program "Communicative management" and "Methodical instructions for the development and design of educational and educational work program disciplines", put into action by the order since 16.06.15 №37/роз.Робоча освітня програма розробляється на основі програм дисциплін «Комунікативний менеджмент» та «Методичні вказівки щодо розробки та проектування навчально-виховних робочих програм дисциплін», введених у дію наказом з 16.06.15 №37 / роз.enbarriers of communicationbusiness communicationсommunication efficiencycommunications in managementEducational and methodological complex of the discipline "Communication Management"Навчально-методичний комплекс дисципліни «Сommunication Management»Working Paper