Філик, Наталія ВолодимирівнаГрабовська, Ганна Миронівна2018-07-032018-07-032018-05http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/35557In the article the authors research changes in legal regulation of the rights in official works. classification of international instruments in the field of space law. The authors emphasize the differences in regulation of the rights in official works and offer their recommendations for their removal. The authors agree with the scientists on necessity to make amendments to the labour legislation in order to properly regulate the rights in official works. Separate attention is paid to the order of registration of labour relations with the employee as the author of official works.enintellectual property, intellectual property objects, labour relations, author, official workCHANGES IN LEGAL REGULATION OF RIGHTS IN OFFICIAL WORKSArticle