Computer technologies of finite element modelling of airfield rigid pavement

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Transport engineering and management, 8 May 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania


Finite element modelling of airfield two-layer rigid pavement can be provided in program LIRA. FEM programs FEAFAA, FAARFIELD, ILLI-SLAB, ABAQUS do not provide finite element model of two-layer concrete pavement on the stabilized base. The maximum bending moment of upper slab computed by LIRA is more than the bending moment computed by SNiP. Finite element model of multi-slab jointed two-layer rigid pavement for program LIRA allows analyzing pavement with or without separator layer and under impact of new large aircrafts all main landing gears.



finite element method, airfield rigid pavement, main landing gear, dowel bar, joint, separator layer, compression ratio


Computer technologies of finite element modeling of airfield rigid pavement / O. V. Rodchenko // 16th Conference of Young Scientists of Lithuania „Science – Lithuania‘s Future. TRANSPORT“, 8th of May 2013: Proceedings. – Vilnius, 2013. – Р. 65-70.