Особливості управління попитом на основі цифрових маркетингових технологій
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Національний авіаційний університет
У статті розглянуто погляди різних українських та зарубіжних компаній і науковців на концепцію управління попитом. Окреслено особливості управління попитом із використанням цифрового інструментарію. Проаналізовано вплив зміни потреб та вимог споживачів до товарів та послуг на перехід до цифрових маркетингових інструментів управління попитом на підприємствах. Встановлено, шо цифровізація принципів управління попитом має численні переваги, зокрема, покращене прогнозування. Вивчено прийоми цифрового маркетингу для управління попитом. Досліджено передові практики управління попитом і встановлено, що авторитетні компанії використовують цифрові маркетингові технології для управління попитом. Проаналізовано стратегії управління попитом, що набули популярності у 2022 році.
The article examines the views of various Ukrainian and foreign companies and scientists on the concept of demand management. The peculiarities of demand management using digital tools are outlined, as a result of which it is determined that digital marketing technologies are more effective than traditional ones. The impact of changes in consumer needs and requirements for goods and services, caused by the availability of information about goods and services on the Internet, on the transition to digital marketing tools for demand management at enterprises is analyzed. Consumer needs have changed due to the ability to quickly and easily compare alternatives and the growing number of substitute products. That is why companies should increase their competitiveness through the transition to digital marketing technologies. It has been established that the digitalization of demand management principles has numerous advantages, in particular, improved forecasting and the ability to make strategic decisions faster and more accurately. Learned digital marketing techniques for demand management, including SEO, Google Adwords and Facebook advertising, social media management, marketing automation, copywriting, blog management. The best practices of demand management were studied and it was found that reputable companies use digital marketing technologies for demand management. Demand management best practices include, in particular, defining reasonable time horizons, maintaining a reliable methodology, agreement and action on goals, using reliable statistical forecasting, and respecting process owners. Demand management strategies gaining popularity in 2022 are analyzed and include more robust contingency plans, flexibility in forecasting, focus on resilient and flexible processes, less focus on just-in-time models.
The article examines the views of various Ukrainian and foreign companies and scientists on the concept of demand management. The peculiarities of demand management using digital tools are outlined, as a result of which it is determined that digital marketing technologies are more effective than traditional ones. The impact of changes in consumer needs and requirements for goods and services, caused by the availability of information about goods and services on the Internet, on the transition to digital marketing tools for demand management at enterprises is analyzed. Consumer needs have changed due to the ability to quickly and easily compare alternatives and the growing number of substitute products. That is why companies should increase their competitiveness through the transition to digital marketing technologies. It has been established that the digitalization of demand management principles has numerous advantages, in particular, improved forecasting and the ability to make strategic decisions faster and more accurately. Learned digital marketing techniques for demand management, including SEO, Google Adwords and Facebook advertising, social media management, marketing automation, copywriting, blog management. The best practices of demand management were studied and it was found that reputable companies use digital marketing technologies for demand management. Demand management best practices include, in particular, defining reasonable time horizons, maintaining a reliable methodology, agreement and action on goals, using reliable statistical forecasting, and respecting process owners. Demand management strategies gaining popularity in 2022 are analyzed and include more robust contingency plans, flexibility in forecasting, focus on resilient and flexible processes, less focus on just-in-time models.
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2. Livengine. Increase demand for your services and products. URL: https://lvengine.com/en/solucoes/demand-generation (дата звернення: 02.12.2022).
3. Mazaraki A., Melnyk T. Economic security strategy of Ukraine in the context of global transformations. Herald OF KNUTE. 2021. № 6. Р. 4–27.
4. Smerichevskyi S.F., Kasianova N.V., Klimova O.I., Kolbushkin Y.P. Digital transformation management of Ukraine’s economy. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. 2020. Vol. 29. № 8s, pp. 2391–2398.
5. Tugba Sari. Responsive Demand Managementin the Era of Digitization. August 2020. Strategic Outlook for Innovative Work Behaviours. Chapter: Responsive Demand Management in the Era of DigitizationPublisher: Springer, 2020. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343910605_Responsive_Demand_Management_in_the_Era_of_Digitization (дата звернення: 27.11.2022).
попит, цифровий маркетинговий інструментарій, управління попитом, споживач, потреби, маркетингові технології, прогнозування, концепція, прийоми, стратегії, вплив, demand, digital marketing tools, demand management, consumer, needs, marketing technologies, forecasting, concept, techniques, strategies, influence
Шевченко А.В., Марчук В.В. Особливості управління попитом на основі цифрових маркетингових технологій // Проблеми системного підходу в економіці / Національний авіаційний університет. - Київ, 2022. - Вип. № 3(89). - С. 177-183