Increase in efficiency of hydrogen production by optimization of food waste fermentation parameters
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Lietuvos mokslų akademija
The aim of the work was to optimize the ratio of weight of solid (food waste) and liquid (water) phases in order to ensure high efficiency of molecular hydrogen synthesis and degradation of multi-component food waste. Assessment of the efficiency of fermentation process was carried out using colorimetric and potentiometric
methods for pH and redox potential measuring, volumetric and chromatographic methods for volume and composition of gas investigation, and mathematical calculations for fermentation parameters determination. The dynamics of hydrogen fermentation of waste in the horizontal reactor using different ratios of solid (food
waste) and liquid (water) phases was investigated. The optimization of the ratio of solid and liquid phases was shown to lead to the increase in efficiency of molecular hydrogen synthesis and destruction of waste particles. The ratio of solid and liquid phases 1:3 was determined to be optimal for the effective synthesis of hydrogen as
well as for maximum waste decomposition. It provided effective hydrogen fermentation of multi-component food waste and allowed to rationally use material and technical resources. Obtained results are promising for further development of efficient industrial biotechnologies for waste destruction with the simultaneous synthesis
of environmentally friendly energy carrier, i.e. molecular hydrogen.
hydrogen synthesis, multi-component solid food waste, dark fermentation, environmental biotechnologies
Hovorukha V. Increase in efficiency of hydrogen production by optimization of food waste fermentation parameters / V. Hovorukha, Tashyrev O., Tashyreva H., Havryliuk O., Bielikova O., L. Iastremska // Energetika. – Lietuvos mokslų akademija – 2019. – T. 65. – Nr. 1. – P. 1–10