Chem. listy 108, 10801083(2014) Laboratorní přístroje a postupy 1080 antioxidačná aktivita peľu briez vo vzťahu k expresii betv1 alergénu


The aim of the study was to determine the total anti-oxidant activity and expression of silver birch allergen BetV1 in pollen samples from various Ukraine areas. The obtained results show higher expression of BetV1 allergen in samples from central parts of urbanized areas (ca. 1.5 times) compared with the samples from borders of the urbanized areas (ca. 0.55 times). The total antioxidant ac-tivity of aqueous pollen extracts ranged from 80.5 % to 85.5 %, for ethanolic extracts 60.3–84.9 %. Positive corre-lation was found between antioxidant activity in ethanolic pollen extract and BetV1 allergen expresion.



peľ briez, antioxidačná aktivita, BetV1 alergén, expresia


Žiarovská, J., Shevtsova, T., Gažo, J., Brindza, J., Garkava, K., & Bežo, M. (2014). Antioxidant Activity of Birch Pollen in Relation to Expression of BetV1 Allergen. Chemické listy, 108(11).