Newest determinants of practice-oriented training of tourism specialists in a policultural education environment
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Baltija Publishing
The purpose of the paper is to emphasize on the fact that international tourism is inextricably linked with the development of the world economy. Ukraine, which is part of this segment, should closely monitor and participate in the changes. At the same time, the state authorities can use the national natural and historical and cultural potentials to develop the tourism industry to the European level. To do this, it is necessary to improve the legislative framework, establish infrastructure, carry out various marketing activities. Moreover, the given article outlines key milestones which content that, at the present stage, when vocational education, in particular, tourism, mediates integration processes, the service industry needs professionals who possess innovative technologies and programs, features of communication with clients, foreign languages and tolerant thinking. Methodology. The deep scientific investigation presents modern factors that have sufficient impact as well as implications on the preparation of tourism specialists in the frame of tertiary education. Consequently, each of them was discussed and justified in separate section. They were titled in the following framework: “Education in the context of European integration processes”, “Studying of domestic and foreign experience of research of the problem of training specialists in the field of tourism’’, ’’The current state of vocational training of students of higher education institutions in Ukraine’’, “Academic mobility of tourism professionals in a multicultural environment’’, “Tourism education of the XXI century is on the urgency among the modern scientific community’’. Outcomes of the survey witnessed that contemporary factors of tourism undergraduates training in the frame of tertiary education is aimed at: providing free access to information to students; support for international academic mobility; mutual benefit of human and financial aspects of inter-university exchanges; supporting the development of international cooperation in quality assurance in education; stimulation of innovative activity of specialists providing the preparation and functioning of international educational programs engaged in international advertising of universities; the need to create their own educational space as an effective way of preparing for the equal competition of Ukrainian universities with European ones. Practical implications. Consideration and implementation of core factors of tourism students’ preparation might enhance, improve and make the educational process more effective in Ukraine. In addition, outlined determinants are very likely to approach domestic education to the international community that, in its turn, are going to make future professional much more competitive in the job market. Value / originality. Close cooperation with the EU can have a positive impact on the domestic economy as a whole. In particular, the tourism industry can become one of the main directions of economic development of the state.
The monograph describes the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of pedagogical science in Ukraine and the EU countries. There are distinguished the general issues on the history of pedagogy, teaching theories and methods, special pedagogy, theories and methods of vocational education and education management, information and communication technologies in education, etc. The publication is intended for scientists, lecturers, postgraduates and students of pedagogical specialities, as well as a wide range of readers, who are interested in pedagogy.
новітні детермінанти, практико зорієнтована підготовка, фахівці сфери туризму, поликультурне освітнє середовище, культурне життя людства, педагогічне дослідження
Василишина Н.М. Новітні детермінанти практико зорієнтованої підготовки фахівців сфери туризму в полікультурному освітньому середовищі. New stages of development of modern science in Ukraine and EU countries: monograph / edited by authors. – 1st ed. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2019. – 472 p.