Методологія задачного підходу в підготовці авіаційних інженерів
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У статті обґрунтовується методологія проєктно-задачного підходу, в якому концентрується
увага на формування умінь у студентів створювати навчальні проєкти теоретичного, теоретико-при-
кладного та прикладного характеру, проєктувати системи завдань, набуваючи професійні компетенції
професійної діяльності. Результати пілотного експерименту показали, що в студентів зростає рівень
професійних компетентностей. У дослідженні використовувалися методи: аналіз, синтез, порівняння,
дерево цілей, діагностика, моделювання та проєктування задачного підходу в навчальний процес, роз-
робка завдань, спостереження, бесіда, пілотний етап педагогічного експерименту.
The rapid development of aviation engineering requires a search for a qualitatively different approach to training, in which the content component will predominate. The project-task approaches could be considered as one of such approaches. In it, the content component (its fundamental part) is the basis for the deployment of project-task educational activities. Such activities are based on the laws of the search activity of students and rely on a specific methodology that reveals the essence of the task approach. In the dialectical understanding, the paradigm of the project-task approach places in the center a form that easily changes its architecture, which is filled with actual content. The constants in this paradigm are the types and levels of educational tasks and the algorithm for working with them. The types of educational tasks are: theoretical, applied-theoretical applied tasks. The levels of tasks are due to the complexity, dynamism and uncertainty of the tasks that the subjects of educational activity and specialists in the professional activity face. To these levels of tasks we refer simple and complex tasks. The article substantiates the methodology of the task approach. The results of the pilot experiment have shown the advantage of the task approach over the traditional one. The students have shown an understanding of the profession, its tasks and functions; the level of their competencies has increased. In the future, it is planned to conduct a full cycle of the pedagogical experiment, develop curricula, special courses of training sessions in accordance with the task approach and their introduction into the process of training aviation engineers. The following methods were used in the research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, goal tree, modeling a task approach, designing a task approach in the educational process, developing tasks, observation, conversation and the pilot stage of the pedagogical experiment.
The rapid development of aviation engineering requires a search for a qualitatively different approach to training, in which the content component will predominate. The project-task approaches could be considered as one of such approaches. In it, the content component (its fundamental part) is the basis for the deployment of project-task educational activities. Such activities are based on the laws of the search activity of students and rely on a specific methodology that reveals the essence of the task approach. In the dialectical understanding, the paradigm of the project-task approach places in the center a form that easily changes its architecture, which is filled with actual content. The constants in this paradigm are the types and levels of educational tasks and the algorithm for working with them. The types of educational tasks are: theoretical, applied-theoretical applied tasks. The levels of tasks are due to the complexity, dynamism and uncertainty of the tasks that the subjects of educational activity and specialists in the professional activity face. To these levels of tasks we refer simple and complex tasks. The article substantiates the methodology of the task approach. The results of the pilot experiment have shown the advantage of the task approach over the traditional one. The students have shown an understanding of the profession, its tasks and functions; the level of their competencies has increased. In the future, it is planned to conduct a full cycle of the pedagogical experiment, develop curricula, special courses of training sessions in accordance with the task approach and their introduction into the process of training aviation engineers. The following methods were used in the research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, goal tree, modeling a task approach, designing a task approach in the educational process, developing tasks, observation, conversation and the pilot stage of the pedagogical experiment.
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задачний підхід, компетентнісний підхід, системний підхід, діяльнісний підхід, синергетичний підхід, види задач, типи задач, task, competence-based, system, activity-based, synergetic approaches, types and levels of tasks
Пазюра Н. Методологія задачного підходу в підготовці авіаційних інженерів / Н. Пазюра, Н. Ничкало, Н. Муранова // Педагогічні інновації: ідеї, реалії, перспективи. – 2020. – № 2(25). – С. 73-82