Лінгвістична складова професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців авіаційної галузі
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Льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету
У статті обґрунтовується значення англійської мови для формування майбутніх фахівців авіаційної галузі. Проаналізовано документи, якими визначено необхідність її вивчення різними категоріями майбутніх спеціалістів цієї галузі. Звернена увага на зміст англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що в авіаційному закладі освіти здійснюється підготовка перекладача, здатного працювати у галузі цивільної авіації, за допомогою дисциплін варіативної складової навчального плану зі спеціальності. На основі роботи зі студентами в умовах англомовного проекту здійснено аналіз позитивного досвіду з організації навчання, виявлено недоліки та обґрунтовано певні положення, які сприятимуть підвищенню рівня методичного забезпечення навчання та підвищить якість професійної підготовки.
The article substantiates the significance of the English language for the efficient training of future specialists in the aviation industry. Author analyze the documents that determine the necessity to learn English by various categories of future aviation specialists. Specifics of the content and methods of teaching English to students of the two categories of future professions are specified. The attention is paid to the content of the English language training materials that pertain to professional orientation. The paper considers the fact that the training of an interpreter capable of working in the field of civil aviation is carried out in aviation education institutions, using the subjects contained in the variable the curriculum for each specialty. Being involved in such practices, students get acquainted with international, European and Ukrainian civil aviation organizations; documents regulating their activities; study the terminology of ICAO; learn to professionally translate aviation texts; analyze methods and techniques related to dealing with terms and special phraseology that are required for aviation personnel. Author describe methods of training students studying in higher aviation education institutions, who are taught in the English-language project. The specifics of teaching subjects in English are determined in accordance with the training strategies. The English language selected as the main mean of teaching students causes changes in the methodological provision of the educational process. With this in mind, it would be appropriate to add that the specifics of the organization regarding the training process in the conditions of the multicultural environment should be taken into account. The positive experience gained in the area of training is analyzed on the basis of working with students in the English-language project. In this regard, we develop some methods that help to enhance the level of methodological provision of training and the quality of vocational training.
The article substantiates the significance of the English language for the efficient training of future specialists in the aviation industry. Author analyze the documents that determine the necessity to learn English by various categories of future aviation specialists. Specifics of the content and methods of teaching English to students of the two categories of future professions are specified. The attention is paid to the content of the English language training materials that pertain to professional orientation. The paper considers the fact that the training of an interpreter capable of working in the field of civil aviation is carried out in aviation education institutions, using the subjects contained in the variable the curriculum for each specialty. Being involved in such practices, students get acquainted with international, European and Ukrainian civil aviation organizations; documents regulating their activities; study the terminology of ICAO; learn to professionally translate aviation texts; analyze methods and techniques related to dealing with terms and special phraseology that are required for aviation personnel. Author describe methods of training students studying in higher aviation education institutions, who are taught in the English-language project. The specifics of teaching subjects in English are determined in accordance with the training strategies. The English language selected as the main mean of teaching students causes changes in the methodological provision of the educational process. With this in mind, it would be appropriate to add that the specifics of the organization regarding the training process in the conditions of the multicultural environment should be taken into account. The positive experience gained in the area of training is analyzed on the basis of working with students in the English-language project. In this regard, we develop some methods that help to enhance the level of methodological provision of training and the quality of vocational training.
лінгвістична підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, фахівці авіаційної галузі, перекладач, англомовний проект, linguistic training, higher education institution, specialists in the aviation industry, interpreter, еnglish-language project
Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки: зб. наук. праць. – Кропивницький: ЛА НАУ, 2018. – Вип. 3. – С.298-303