Aviation fundamentals

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LLC Center of Information Technologies


Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use or aircraft, especially heavier-than—air aircraft. Aviation is derived from "avis" - the Latin word for “bird". No other mode of transportation has had greater impact on the world than aviation. None has so changed the economic, political, and social traditions of the world in such a short period of time. The phenomenal growth of the aerospace industry, the rapid expansion of commercial air travel, the tremendous influence of aviation on military concepts and international affairs, all have had inescapable and overwhelming effects on day-to-day living.


The Theory Guide contains general infonnation about aircraft: the main elements, basic notions and principles of flight. Some general information about aircraft ground handling and maintenance is given. The Theory Guide is intended as an introduction for the students of aviation specialties.


aircraft, maintenance, ground handling, manufacturing, constracnion, airworthiness


Aviation fundamentals: Theory Guide/ Larysa A. Zhuravlyova.-K.: ITC, 2012.-109 p.