Protection of information networks based on LoRa technology

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The paper deals with modern technology for transmitting short messages over long distances named LoRa, where the transmitted signal uses linear frequency modulation (chirp). The object of the study to define lack of transmitters that it has a design on LoRa technology for assessment their applicable in condition urban city where there are a lot of radiation sources. The goal of the work is the creation of a method of assessing the act the interference conditions that based on measurement bit error rate and signal-noise ratio and via on which to get individual host vulnerability levels. The processing of these signals is carried out by means of a time-frequency transformation. The chirp signal is characterized by 4 parameters: frequencies, time, modulation rate and amplitude. By analogy with the wavelet transform, the processing of chirp signals involves a chirplet decomposition. Since the chirp signals are strongly influenced by mutual interference due to multipath, the article studies the effectiveness of LoRa technology in conditions of mutual interference of radiation sources. The developed method utilized chirplet decomposition and retrieve symbols of a message in the dictionary. The conducted experiments have confirmed the proposed software operability and allow recommending it for use in practice for solving the problems receiving signal. The prospects for further research may include the creation of parallel methods for calculation of the set of proposed indicators, the improvement of software, as well as an experimental study of proposed indicators in real conditions.


The paper deals with modern technology for transmitting short messages over long distances named LoRa, where the transmitted signal uses linear frequency modulation (chirp). The object of the study to define lack of transmitters that it has a design on LoRa technology for assessment their applicable in condition urban city where there are a lot of radiation sources. The goal of the work is the creation of a method of assessing the act the interference conditions that based on measurement bit error rate and signal-noise ratio and via on which to get individual host vulnerability levels. The processing of these signals is carried out by means of a time-frequency transformation. The chirp signal is characterized by 4 parameters: frequencies, time, modulation rate and amplitude. By analogy with the wavelet transform, the processing of chirp signals involves a chirplet decomposition. Since the chirp signals are strongly influenced by mutual interference due to multipath, the article studies the effectiveness of LoRa technology in conditions of mutual interference of radiation sources. The developed method utilized chirplet decomposition and retrieve symbols of a message in the dictionary. The conducted experiments have confirmed the proposed software operability and allow recommending it for use in practice for solving the problems receiving signal. The prospects for further research may include the creation of parallel methods for calculation of the set of proposed indicators, the improvement of software, as well as an experimental study of proposed indicators in real conditions.


chirp, time-frequency Transform
