Subjective entropy of preferences. Subjective analysis: monograph

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Institute of Aviation Scientific Publication, Warsaw, Poland


The principle of the subjective entropy maximum is formulated. Canonical view objective and rating preferences are introduced. The developed entropy theory is used for the analysis of the active systems behavior. Applications to the areas of Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Safety of Active Systems, Forecasting the results of a choice of alternatives, Conflict Theory etc. are implemented. Considered the hybrid schemes linked to the probability approach and principle of the subjective entropy maximum. Static and Dynamical problems are included.


The main and most important is the principle of subjective optimality. In its formulation the main role is given to subjective entropy. Therefore, we can speak of a „variational entropy principle”, which allows one to receive and examine different models of preference functions. In this part this work is tightly connected with the works of Jensen, and also Haken, Neumann and Morgenstern, Stratonovich. Variational principle is the unique boundary, which separates, and at the same time establishes connection between the endogenous processes, i.e. the psyche deep processes, and exogenous processes in the „external environment”, which in one way or another are affecting subject’s interests. However, the internal work of psyche is manifested for the external „observer” as the system of preferences formed by the subject on the set of alternatives. Basic assumption is that into subject’s psyche the specific principle of the forming the distribution of preferences is „inscribed”, build-in, and that this principle appears variational, that makes each time this distribution optimum in the sense of certain functional. Then the next task is to specify, which this functional is. Here, the author relied on the already mentioned works, as well as on one of the basic assumptions of the categories theory. We know that each next generation of scientists „stands on the giants arms”. We have reason to trust their insights, which have accumulated previous experience. For me the starting point was the idea of Leonhard Euler that „nothing at all takes place in the universe in which some rule of the maximum or minimum does not appear”. This assertion sounds like a biblical truth and, in this case, it is an element of faith, extended on the psychical processes. Carl Siegel writes: “according to Leibnitz our world is the best of all possible worlds, and therefore the laws, which control them, can be described by extreme principles”. We know, that in mechanics and physics, leastwise, in the case of conservative systems the dynamics is described by the equations, following from the variational principles, such as the Hamilton’s least-action principle. The author of this work was able to show that for certain classes of dissipative systems the variational principles exist [66, 68]. This is, however, insufficient in order to „impose” the extreme principles of human psyche functioning. Even reference to the theory of categories does not resolve this issue to the end.


entropy, subjective entropy, maximum principle, alternative, preference, utility, confllicts, active system, safety, subjective risk, elastisity, regidity, rating, psychology, sociology


Kasianov, V. 2013. Subjective entropy of preferences. Subjective analysis: monograph. Warsaw: Institute of Aviation Scientific Publications. 644 p.