Personal Profile of Students with Effective Learning Activities

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National Aviation University


In today's world, due to constant social and psychological changes in the labor market, more and more stringent requirements for candidates are being imposed, and the level of competition is increasing. Successful professional activity is determined by special knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as a set of personal qualities that contribute to the continuous development of the specialist. The assimilation of fundamental knowledge in the future profession, as well as personal development takes place intensively exactly during higher education. Therefore, psychological and pedagogical science faces the necessity of determining the personal profile of students with effective learning activities, since the success of learning and self-development becomes the key to a highly qualified professional.


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personal profile, students, effective learning activities, psychological and pedagogical science


Seredinа A. Personal Profile of Students with Effective Learning Activities // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. – P.127-128.