Політ. Екологічна безпека, інженерія та технології. 2021
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Item Система екологічного контролю якості сільськогосподарської сировини в Україні(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-05) Онофрієнко, Анатолій; Корецька, Єлизавета; Усенко, СтаніславСистема екологічного контролю якості сільськогосподарської сировини є невід’ємною частиною харчової промисловості України, оскільки продукція може містити в собі шкідливі для людей та інших організмів речовини. Розглянемо особливості вітчизняної та зарубіжної систем. Розбір досліджень і спеціалізованої літератури дають зрозуміти важливість розглянутих систем з точки зору забезпечення високого рівня життя населення. Метою є аналіз вітчизняної системи екологічного контролю якості сільськогосподарської сировини та пошук ідей щодо її покращення. Недосконалості системи екологічного контролю якості сільськогосподарської сировини можуть суттєво впливати на здоров’я людей. Понад 20% українських сільськогосподарських угідь містять в ґрунті радіонукліди, отрутохімікати та різноманітні токсичні речовини, які в свою чергу погіршують і, навіть, роблять небезпечним склад вирощуваних на них сільськогосподарських культур.Item Gentiana species as perspective source of biopharmaceutical products(National Aviation University, 2021) Lanova, Nadiia; Ланова, НадіяThe actuality of topic is related with preservation of Red List plants of Ukraine and obtaining target compounds of medicinal application. The aim of work was to analyzed scientific data according Gentiana species as perspective source of biopharmaceutical products.Item Using a highly efficient gas cleaning equipment for reduction technogenic impact on the environment(National Aviation University, 2021-05) Kozii, Ivan; Козій, ІванGrowth in the scale of economic activity leads to increased human impacts and disturbance of equilibrium in the environment. Along with the depletion of natural resources increases environmental pollution, in particular water and air. This significantly undermines the natural resource potential of the state’s development, negatively affects the welfare and health of the population, and poses a threat to environmental safety. Consuming natural resources, industrial enterprises are sources of complex environmental contamination. Activities of industrial enterprises has a negative impact on the state of ecosystems surrounding areas. Deposition of contaminants from the waste gases results in contamination of the soil and migration of heavy metals in the groundwater and surface water. The problem is compounded by the fact that the exhaust gases contain different by dispersion of the solid particles. This poses the problem of the development of environmental protection measures for air protection from emissions of industrial enterprises. One way to reduce the amount of pollutants released into the air with the flue gases is the selection of highly efficient gas-cleaning equipment, which must take into account several factors: physical and chemical characteristics of the carrier gas, the characteristics of chemical and particulate contaminants.Item Importance of organic markets development in Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2021-05) Usenko, Stanislav; Gulevata, Iryna; Onofrienko, Anatoly; Усенко, Станіслав; Гулевата, Ірина; Онофрієнко, АнатолійUkraine is the second-largest exporter and producer of organic produce in the EU. It is significant to develop organic markets in Ukraine to provide sufficient foodstuffs for the population and to promote ‘green’ land usage. Ukraine possesses many conditions that permit it to successfully achieve these goals, for instance: the geographic location, temperate climate and abundant natural resources.Item Plants of Rosa and Crataegus genera and their associated fungi as biotechnological objects(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Ukrainska, Anna; Українська, АннаThe search of natural resources of medicinal substances and a new drug discovery are actual nowadays. Data analysis and preliminary study of Rosaceae plant species and their associated fungi revealed that they could be a potent raw stuff of biopharmaceuticals. Plants of Rosa and Crataegus and their fungi were selected for more detailed review due to numerous bioactive compounds valuable for human health. Metabolic formation of important for life chemicals, like vitamin C, phenols and carotenoids, are reported for Rosa genus representatives. While plants of Crataegus genus serve as the producers of polyphenols, terpenoids, lignans, steroids and organic acids. Being rich in phytoconstituents that provide a wide spectrum of therapeutic activity these plants are frequently used as biotechnological material in pharmaceutical industry.Item Approaches to biotechnology of Vaccinium cultivation from mycological viewpoint and value for medicine(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Yukhnenko, Marina; Юхненко, МаринаBerries producing plants of the genus Vaccinium are well known and have long been used as a food and medicinal plants. They are classified in the family Ericaceae and numbers about 500 species through the world. Native for the territory of Ukraine are small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium microcarpum), bilberries (V. myrtillus), marsh cranberries (V. oxycoccos), blueberries (V. uliginosum) and lingonberries (V. vitis-idaea). Some species of Vaccinium are cultivated on plantations and introduction of alien species, as large cranberry (V. macrocarpon) from North America, take place. Plants of the genus Vaccinium are of boreal origin and are generally grown on naturally acidic soils, with optimal pH of 4-5.5, though pH of 2.5-6.5 is acceptable, with high organic matter content and sufficient amount of moisture in the soil. These plants do not tolerate alkaline soils, which cause a complete cessation of growth and death. The ability of Vaccinium to grow on acidic soils is due to symbiosis with fungi in the form of mycorrhiza, when plant species is engaged in mutualistic relationships with fungus that colonize the roots. A single plant species can have several to hundred species of associated mycorrhizal fungi.Item Study of genetic features of blood groups heredity according to the AB0 system and rhesus factor(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Chornogorets, Valeriya; Чорногорець, ВалеріяThe work is devoted to the problem of blood transfusion (namely, the study of the most common blood group and rhesus factor in countries), because this issue has become acute around the world. Today, blood transfusions are an acute social problem. Two classifications of human blood groups are of the greatest importance for clinical practice: the AB0 system and the rhesus system, due to the fact that these systems have the greatest antigenic power. Each human-to-human blood transfusion must take into account the compatibility of these two systems, because in the case of a human transfusion of another (incompatible) blood group, agglutination (gluing) and hemolysis (destruction) of erythrocytes occur, which can lead to death. It is also desirable to separate plasma and blood cells.Item Microbial communities of soils and acid mine drainage bioremediation(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Kozhukhar, Nazariy; Кожухар, НазарійAs a result of restructuring in 1990-2000 and occupation in 2014 the coal-rich Donetsk Basin saw massive mine closures. Leaving behind acid mine drainage, dam failures, non-remediated areas and cases of direct discharges into waterways that could lead to serious and long-term environmental impacts. The elimination of mines leads to changes in natural conditions for the living organisms and the formation of unfavorable environmental situations, such as. Acidic mine drainage occurs naturally in some environments as part of rock weathering, but is enhanced by large-scale soil disturbances common in mining. Acid mine drainage neutralization depends on its chemistry, electron donors / receptors, temperature, and pH. Iron-reducing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria form the root component of these bioreactors. Acidophilic heterotrophic bacteria promote the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron in acidic waters.Item Leather-like material biofabrication using Pleurotus osteatus(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Barabash, Alina; Deschenko, Vladyslav; Chuk, Oleksiy; Барабаш, Аліна; Дещенко, Владислав; Чук, ОлексійLeather remаins one of the most durable and versatile natural materials. However, some consumers question the ethicаl ramifications and environmental sustainability of wearing products sourced from аnimals. Fungi-derived leather substitutes are an emerging class of ethically and environmentally responsible fabrics that are increasingly meeting consumer aesthetic and functional expectations and winning favor аs an alternative to bovine and synthetic leathers. The new material uses agricultural and forestry byproducts, such as sawdust, to grow chitinous polymers and other polysaccharides that form into mats of mycelium, the underlying root networks of fungi. From there, the material is altered physically and chemically to visually resemble leather and exhibit comparable properties. The main task of the experimental work was to obtain the prototype of the leather-like material based on the mycelium of the Pleurotus ostreatus the whole procedure can be divided into several parts: cultivation of fungus on suitable nutrient medium, harvesting of mycelium, plastification, and drying.Item The study of monoterpene glycosides of the root of Paeonia Lactiflora Pall(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Kravchuk, DianaThe actuality of this topic is due to the search for little-studied properties of the root of the Paeonia lactiflora Pall. plant against the backdrop of today's pandemics. Aim of the work – to investigate the monoterpene glycosides of the root of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. and determine their properties. Paeonia lactiflora contains more than 15 biological active substances, including monoterpene glycosides: paeoniflorin (0.5–5.8%), albiflorin, benzoyl-paeoniflorin, galloylpaeoniflorin, oxypaeoniflorin, lactiflorin, paeoniflorigenone, oxybenzoyl-paeoniflorin; phenolic acids; phytosterol; triterpenoid.Item Biotechnological method of obtaining hyaluronic acid using recombinant microorganisms(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Silich, OlenaHyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring linear glycosaminoglycan consisting of repeating disaccharides of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine, with unique biological and physicochemical properties. It is present in living organisms, in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage, in the umbilical cord, vitreous humor, synovial fluid and skin. Hyaluronan has good biocompatibility and does not cause a reaction to a foreign body or an allergic reaction during implantation, which allows it to be used in medicine and cosmetology. Biotechnological method of obtaining hyaluronic acid is the most promising, it is based on the cultivation of microorganisms-producers of hyaluronate. The creation of recombinant systems in various microorganisms to obtain hyaluronic acid, allows the study of enzymes. The main producers are microorganisms of the genus Streptococcus, as well as genetically engineered strains of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Literary sources were reviewed to describe the complete manufacturing process.Item Analysis of production methods and industril methods of streptomycin production(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Mishchenko, NataliaThe purpose of the study: to analyze the methods of obtaining streptomycin. Relevance of the study: streptomycin is a drug that is widely used in industry, so it is advisable to analyze the production of streptomycin. Task: to analyze the methods of production and industrial methods of streptomycin production.Item Modern state in the research and application of proteolytic enzymes of fungi(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Poliukh, КProteolytic enzymes are studied as tools for understanding protein structure and the mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis, or as well as bioactive substances applied in medicine, agriculture and industry. The growing needs of biotechnology, changes in environmental and radiation backgrounds, widespread usage of drugs encourages the search for a new, effective, safe species and strains of fungi which could be the base for new probiotics production and serve in biotransformations of food products.Item Cultured meat and cell agricuture: technique and chellenges(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Borsuk, MaryiaCellular agriculture focuses on the production of agrarian goods from cell cultures with the help of different biotechnological practices, such as: tissue engineering, molecular biology, and synthetic biology to create and develop new methods for producing proteins, fats and tissues that will well be derived from traditional agriculture. Much of the industry is focused on animal products such as meat, milk and eggs, which are produced in cell culture. Controlled conditions in an in vitro production system cannot be achieved with traditional animal husbandry and therefore allow for a safer and healthier product. In their work, Tuomisto et al showed that the production of 1000 kg of cultured meat, compared to conventionally produced meat, uses about 745% less energy, 78% less greenhouse gas emissions, 99% less land. It should be noted that no reputable source knows the exact amount of economic and environmental benefit cultured meat would provideюItem Bacteria resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Vasilenko, Sofia; Василенко, СофіяIncreasing antibiotic resistance of microorganisms is one of the urgent and unresolved problems in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotic resistance of microorganisms can be true and acquired. True resistance is characterized by the absence of the antibiotic action of the target in microorganisms or the inaccessibility of the target due to the primary low permeability or enzymatic inactivation. Acquired resistance it is the property of individual bacterial strains to maintain viability at those concentrations of antibiotics that suppress the bulk of the microbial population. The formation of resistance in all cases is due to genetics - the acquisition of new genetic information or a change in the level of expression of its own genes. The most common cause of acquired resistance is the widespread use of a particular antibiotic, and the consequence is that previously sensitive strains become resistant. Beta-lactam antibiotics - penicillins, cephalosporins have been used for the longest time in clinical practice, so the problem of resistance to them is the most serious. Let’s consider the most common reasons of antibiotic resistance development: unreasonable appointment of antibacterial drugs (ABD), mistakes in choosing the ABD, errors in the choice of the ABP dosing mode, errors associated with the duration of antibiotic therapy.Item The legal framework for the modernization of environmental management atmosphere during emergencies(National Aviation University, 2021-05) Turevych, AnastasiiaThe Constitution of Ukraine recognizes that the safety of a person, his life and health is the highest social value. Every citizen of Ukraine has a constitutional right to a safe environment for life and health. These inalienable constitutional rights and freedoms of man and society in general are objects of national security of Ukraine. In addition, Ukrainian legislation on the protection and management of atmospheric conditions is represented by an extensive system of regulations, most of which are bylaws. This includes 12 technological regulations, 2 instructions, 2 procedures, 2 lists, and at least 4 other regulations. All of them exist to ensure the regulation of a wide range of environmental issues, including the management of atmospheric air.Item Starch bioplastic production(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Kaidaniuk, DenysPlastic production is a necessity for humanity today. It is impossible to imagine an industry without it, whether it is the production of children's toys or the production of test tubes. However, the issue of environmental pollution is growing in direct proportion to the increase in plastic production. For example, mankind has created about 380 tons of plastic in 2018, of which only a small part was disposed of. Therefore, the issue of alternatives to plastics that are tolerant of the environment and human health is only gaining momentum. The main task of this work is to create a viable bioplastic from starch that can compete in the market with the usual sample. In fact, starch has long been used in this industry, this polysaccharide is a successful raw material for plastic production due to its properties, which are provided by its components: amylase and amylopectin, amylase in turn responsible for stickiness and water absorption, and amylopectin for strength. Виробництво пластику - це необхідність для людства сьогодні. Неможливо уявити собі індустрію без нього, незалежно від того, чи є це виробництво дитячих іграшок чи виробництво пробірок. Однак питання забруднення навколишнього середовища зростає прямо пропорційно збільшенню виробництва пластмас. Наприклад, людство виробило близько 380 тонн пластмаси у 2018 році, з якої була використана лише невелика частина. Тому питання альтернатив пластмас, які є толерантними до навколишнього середовища та здоров'я людини, отримує лише імпульс. Основним завданням цієї роботи є створення стійкого біопластику з крохмалю, який може конкурувати на ринку зі звичайним зразком. Фактично, крохмаль давно використовується в цій галузі, цей полісахарид є успішною сировиною для виробництва пластмас завдяки своїм властивостям, які забезпечуються його компонентами: амілаза та амілопектин, амілаза, яка відповідає за липкість та поглинання води, а також амілопектин для міцності.Item The role of lactates in medicine(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Honcharenko, IrynaLactate, or lactic acid (2-hydroxypropanoic acid), is a normal product of metabolism and is formed from pyruvic acid under anaerobic conditions in skeletal muscle tissue (25%), brain (20%), skin (25%), erythrocytes (20 %), leukocytes, mucous membrane of the small intestine and the renal medulla. Preferably lactate is metabolized in the liver (60%), kidneys (30%) and only a small amount is utilized in other tissues (10%). Measuring blood lactate levels is especially important in cases of severe sepsis and septic shock. In this context, lactate is commonly used to assess the severity of the disease, analyze the response to treatment and further prognosis. Hypoperfusion, which is most often associated with blood loss, is observed in patients with trauma. Elevated lactate levels may help to identify patients in whom normal vital signs are initially masked by tissue hypoperfusion. In patients with cardiogenic shock who require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, lactate is a useful parameter for predicting mortality. Lactate levels increase during strenuous exercise, mainly due to anaerobic glucose metabolism. A common feature of primary and metastatic cancer is an increase in the rate of glycolysis, which leads to increased glucose uptake and lactate formation even under normal oxygen levels. Лактат або молочна кислота (2-гідроксипропанова кислота), є нормальним продуктом обміну речовин і утворюється з піровиноградної кислоти при анаеробних умовах у тканині скелетних м'язів (25%), мозку (20%), шкіри (25%), еритроцити (20%), шкіри (25%), еритроцити (20%), 20%), лейкоцити, слизової оболонки тонкого кишечника та ниркової медулі. Переважно лактат метаболізується в печінці (60%), нирках (30%), і лише невелика кількість використовуються в інших тканинах (10%). Вимірювання рівнів лактату крові особливо важлива у випадках важкого сепсису та септичного шоку. У цьому контексті, лактат зазвичай використовується для оцінки тяжкості захворювання, аналізують реакцію на лікування та подальший прогноз. Гіпоперфузія, яка найчастіше пов'язана з крововтратою, спостерігається у пацієнтів з травмою. Підвищений рівень лактатів може допомогти виявити пацієнтів, у яких звичайні життєві ознаки спочатку маскують гіпоперфузією тканин. У пацієнтів з кардіогенним шоком, які потребують екстракорпоральної мембранної оксигенації, лактат є корисним параметром для прогнозування смертності. Lactate рівень збільшується під час напружених вправ, головним чином завдяки анаеробному метаболізму глюкози.Item Tecnology of determination of the effect of antibiotics on the industrial streins by the disk diffusion metod.(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Yaremov, VictorThe actuality of this topic is due to much interest has been to industrial biotechnology, which is often associated with reduced energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste generation, and also may enable the paradigm shift from fossil fuel-based to bio-based production of value-added chemicals The fundamental force that drives the development and implementation of industrial biotechnology is the market economy, as biotechnology promises highly efficient processes at lower operating and capital expenditures. Still there are major problems in the production, like the use of antibiotics, and a large number of extracellular proteases, which attack secreted cloned foreign proteins. Актуальність цієї теми пов'язана з великим інтересом до промислової біотехнології, яка часто пов'язана зі зменшенням споживання енергії, викидами парникових газів, а також покоління відходів, а також може забезпечити парадигму зсуву від викопного палива на основі виробництва біохімічних речовин доданої вартості. Фундаментальна основа, яка веде розробку та реалізацію промислової біотехнології, є ринкова економіка, оскільки біотехнологія обіцяє високоефективні процеси при зниженні операційних та капітальних видатків. Тим не менш, у виробництві є великі проблеми, такі як використання антибіотиків, а також велика кількість позаклітинних продуктів, які секретують сторонні білкиItem Problems of monitoring existing oil wells of Western Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2021-05) Semkiv, BogdanThe territory of Ukraine has a large number of wells, as the history of hydrocarbon production dates back to XVI - XVII centuries. The western region of Ukraine is represented by several oil and gas regions: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Zakarpattia regions, which has a total of 91 deposits. Special attention in Western Ukraine should be paid to the Boryslav oil and gas field, which began to be developed in 1854. Since the oil was in layers at a depth of only tens, or sometimes about hundreds of meters, the production was conducted through primitive oil wells - pits. In those years in Borislav there were about 5 thousand such pits with a depth of 35-40 m. In 1870, oil production in Boryslav reached 10.6 thousand tons. There were about 800 small businesses, which employed almost 10 thousand workers [1]. Foreign firms from the USA, Canada, Belgium, France, Germany for the purpose of enrichment carried out exhaustive exploitation of deposits, respectively, without paying attention to labor protection, care of the environment and ignoring keeping records of wells in the documentation. Thus chaotically there were all new places of oil production and in a terrible state remained abandoned primitive wells.