Text Books, Manuals, and Other Publications for the Students Studying and Learning

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/39387

The material is useful and helpful for the students of all years of study both bachelor and master degree contenders


Recent Submissions

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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part IX : Mathematical Logics Applications
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part VIII : Subjective Preferences Optimality
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part VII : The Simplest Random Process
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part VI : The Simplest System Reliability
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part V: The Simplest Problem of the Probability of a Choice
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part IV : Optimal Number of Transport Vehicles
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part III : Elementary Optimal Supply Speed
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part II: Elementary Supply Chain Optimization
    (National Aviation University, 2023-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the application of the knowledge acquired at the study of the academic subject “Transport vehicles operation” carrying out, which is indispensable to complete the works of the individual task, get ready for passing the final kinds of the check. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by air transport)”.
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    Transport Vehicles Operation. Part I:Number of Transport Vehicles
    (National Aviation University, 2022-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich; Гончаренко, Андрій Вікторович
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the Self-Study in regards with the completion of the calculation and graphic work on the academic subject of “Transport vehicles operation”, in part I, concerning the section of “Number of transport vehicles” at solving the dilemma of optimal choice. Designed for the 2nd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 275 “Transport technologies”.
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    Аэрогидрогазодинамика и динамика полета. Часть II. А : Динамика полета
    (Национальный авиационный университет, 2020-09-01) Гончаренко, Андрей Викторович
    Методические рекомендации содержат ряд указаний для самоподготовки при выполнении расчетно-графической работы по академической дисциплине «Аэрогидрогазодинамика и динамика полета», в части II. А, касающейся раздела «Динамика полета» при решении траекторных задач воздушного судна. Рассчитаны на студентов 3-го курса направления подготовки 27 «Транспорт», специальности «Авиационный транспорт».
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    Aerohydrogasdynamics and Flight Dynamics. Part II. A : Flight Dynamics
    (National Aviation University, 2020-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the completion of the calculation and graphic work on the academic subject of “Aerohydrogasdynamics and flight dynamics”, in part II. A, concerning the section of “Flight dynamics” at solving the aircraft trajectory problems. Designed for the 3rd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 272 “Aviation Transport”.
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    Аэрогидрогазодинамика и динамика полета. Часть I : Аэрогидрогазодинамика
    (Национальный авиационный университет, 2020-09-07) Гончаренко, Андрей Викторович
    Методические рекомендации содержат ряд указаний для самоподготовки при выполнении расчетно-графической работы по академической дисциплине «Аэрогидрогазодинамика и динамика полета», в части I, касающейся раздела «Аэрогидрогазодинамика» при построении поляры самолета. Рассчитаны на студентов 3-го курса направления подготовки 27 «Транспорт», специальности «Авиационный транспорт».
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    Aerohydrogasdynamics and Flight Dynamics. Part I : Aerohydrogasdynamics
    (National Aviation University, 2020-09-01) Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich
    The method guide contains a few recommendations on the self-study in regards with the completion of the calculation and graphic work on the academic subject of “Aerohydrogasdynamics and flight dynamics”, in part I, concerning the section of “Aerohydrogasdynamics” at plotting the aircraft polar. Designed for the 3rd year students of the field of study 27 “Transport”, specialty 272 “Aviation transport”.
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    Людський фактор у системі збереження льотної придатності авіаційної техніки
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2018-08-26) Бурлаков, Вадим Іванович; Пучков, Юрій Павлович; Попов, Олександр Вікторович; Попов, Дмитро Вікторович
    У посібнику викладено фундаментальні концепції людського фактору в системі збереження льотної придатності авіаційної техніки. Розглянуто питання, пов'язані з помилковими діями авіаційних фахівців у процесі технічного обслуговування повітряних суден, характеристики працездатності й обмеження людини, фактори, що впливають на якість роботи фахівців та знижують рівень безпеки польотів. Подано рекомендації щодо запобігання наслідкам помилок авіаційних фахівців та забезпечення якості технічного обслуговування повітряних суден.
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    Airborne military equipment of military aircraft. Part I. "Oxygen Equipment and Protective Equipment of Military Aircraft - Technical Means of Air Intelligence" [in Ukrainian]
    (National Aviation University, 2004-09-09) Ivanov, Volodymyr L'vovych; Rugain, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Cheked, Ihor Volodymyrovych
    Considered technical description, principles of activity, maintenance features of airborne military equipment of military aircraft. Aimed at the students of military training in aviation.