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Item 21st century design: function. individuality. ecology(National Aviation University, 2021-04) Poplavska, E.Information retrieval is an important component for a logical understanding of the meaning of the product, as well as its use in creating design and emotional impact on the buyer. Before creating any sketches, you need to understand the market of competitors on this topic and the target audience. Next, determine what impression the product should make on a person to want to buy the product? The product should be clear, because the buyer needs 15-60 seconds to determine the first, often basic, impression of interest or indifference to the product. Clear design is, graphically executed, answers to the first questions in a person's head. The information provided by the packaging design is parallel to the flow of ideas that are concretized in a single logical direction. It is important to give a person exactly what he needs - then the buyer's decision will be quick and confident, and the product will be remembered. Brand identity is a special identity of a specific product that is difficult to apply to any other packaging. You can use coloring, illustrations, original fonts or materials as a tool for attracting attention ... The point is that the product seems absolutely simple and easy to remember by its design. And this does not mean that everything is really simple, the complexity of the design is to create a unique design, looking at which you will understand how simple and logical it is for this product, so it is irrelevant to use for anything else. It is important that the first impression of the product is a fully harmonious picture, reflected in a single style. In the design of a unique package there should be a scheme, a plan, or a perfect reconstruction of the structures of the composition - this is when the package states everything and almost nothing. Focusing on the important internal components of the design, it is necessary to mention the actual affiliation of the design to the product within the present. The goal: to create a product that will reveal its individuality in the 21st century and the probability of being at the current pace in 20 years. An effective way to incorporate design into the present is to use fashion trends and tendencies, such as smart design elements such as QR codes. How to leave all the necessary information on the package, and illustrate the additional message with a QR-code to go to the site for a more detailed acquaintance with the product.Item 3D modelling and visualization(National Aviation University, 2024) Soina, Valeriia; Соіна, Валерія ОлександрівнаThree-dimensional (3D) modelling has become a revolutionary tool across various industries, significantly enhancing design and visualization practices in such fields as architecture, gaming, film, engineering, medicine, and product design. The main advantages of 3D modelling include creating realistic visualizations for better design understanding and communication, streamlining workflows, reducing costs, and improving precision in areas like surgical planning and product prototyping. Despite challenges such as the steep learning curve and time-intensive processes, 3D modelling continues to drive innovation and progress, with its benefits far outweighing its limitations.Item 5G-technology: social advantaged and threats(National Aviation University, 2021) Lysenko, Julia Vladimirovna; Лисенко, Юлія ВолодимирівнаThe development of information technology in the modern world is one of the most important factors that significantly affects the pace and achievement of scientific and technological progress. All spheres of human activity are considered only depending on the ways of information exchange, whose importance is constantly growing. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless network. It will be based upon the combination of the existing wireless technologies like GSM, Wi-Fi, LTE etc and the new radio access technologies. Most people can do their own works within seconds with new technology.5th generation technology comes with many features that are beneficial for all group of people including, students, professionals (doctors, engineers, teachers, governing bodies, administrative bodies, etc.).Item A new data combination approach in UAV-based remote sensing problems in case of conflicting sources of information(National Aviation University, 2022) Альперт, Софія ІоганівнаNowadays UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) give new opportunites for solution different remote sensing problems, such as: ecological monitoring, surveying mines, forest classification and others [1]. Information fusion is a one of most difficult procedures in land-cover classification, using UAV-based Remote Sensing. But a lot of known combination approaches yield illogical results, when sources of information highly conflict with each otherItem A plan to restore the aviation industry in Ukraine after the end оf a full-scale invasion(National Aviation University, 2023-04-04) Євдокименкова, Катерина; Yevdokymenkova, KaterynaThe full-scale invasion of Ukraine has had a severe impact on the aviation industry. However, with the right approach and investments, the aviation industry can be restored to its pre-invasion levels. The proposed strategies for attracting investors will help accelerate the process of industrial recovery. The plan presented in this article can help to restore the aviation industry in Ukraine and contribute to the country's economic growthItem About the need for ratification in Ukraine of global convention the recognition concerning higher education(National Aviation University, 2021) Yevdokymenko, Tetyana Mykolayivna; Naumenko, Natalia Vasylivna; Євдокименко, Тетяна Миколаївна; Науменко, Наталія ВасилівнаTo be valid in Ukraine (for employment or continuing education purposes), a foreign educational document you may needs to undergo the recognition procedure. This means establishing the compliance of the academic and professional rights, as well as the educational and qualification levels indicated in foreign educational documents (qualifications) with the national education standards of Ukraine. Currently, the recognition of educational documents in Ukraine is based on the Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in the European Region (Lisbon, April 11, 1997) and international agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents and scientific titles. The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications (the Lisbon Convention) was jointly developed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO in order to promote recognition of qualifications awarded in one country (Party of the Convention) by another country (Party of the Convention).Item Acceleration the aircraft refueling speed using the new conductive sealing materials(National aviation university, 2021-04) Zavgorodia, SofiaThe static electricity is the most crucial hazard of the big volumes of fuel transfer from one custody into another. So its research will be urgent either in civil aviation or in military aircraft operation.Item Accounting and analytical support of enterprise management(National Aviation University, 2021-10-21) Ovsyuk, Nina Vasylivna; Galushko, Lyudmyla OleksandrivnaSubstantiation of theoretical provisions for accounting and analytical support of enterprise management and identification of the basic principles of construction of accounting and analytical information system.Item Accounting and reporting of the small businesses(National Aviation University, 2021) Kotyk, Viktoriia; Котик, Вікторія РоманівнаThe world experience proves that the small businesses is a key component for developing a state economy. That is why relationships between small business entities and the state should be based on parity. Government support for small businesses allows not only successful and profitable business activity, but also it creates additional workplaces and increases the solvency of the population. For the development and sustainable functioning of the small enterprises, we need clear, easy-to-use and understandable accounting schemes to guide sustainable operations. So, it is necessary to form a single accounting information system that includes accounting, tax accounting, operational and technical accounting data which represents objective information.Item Accounting for leave: the right to receive and calculate it(National Aviation University, 2021-10-21) Bondarenko, Olga Mikhailovna; Cherenkova, Anna VladimirovnaThe paper examines the problem of ignorance of employees about vacation and its relationship with wages. The purpose of the study is to disclose the accounting of leave, its calculation and types.Item Active magnet bearings(National aviation university, 2021-04) Nwaribe, NicholasA magnetic bearing is a form of bearing that uses magnetic levitation to support a load. Moving parts are supported by magnetic bearings without any physical contact. For example, they can levitate a spinning shaft and allow relative motion with very little friction and no mechanical wear. Magnetic bearings support the highest speeds of any kind of bearing and have no maximum relative speed.Item Activities of transport and logistics companies in the conditions of Russian agression against Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2022-04-07) Parzhytska, Dariia; Паржицька, ДаріяRussia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, posed new challenges to every participant in economic activity, the gradual solution of which may give hope for the recovery of the Ukrainian economy in the future. In such circumstances Ukrainian transport and logistics companies must provide reliable and secure logistics for the delivery of weapons and equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, humanitarian aid and medicines to Ukraine in the context of significant destruction of transport infrastructure (airports, roads and bridges destruction, seaport blockade, Russia's bombing of railways)Item Activity of the delivery company "Nova Poshta" under military condition(National Aviation University, 2022-04-07) Kisera, Tatiana; Polishchuk, AnastasiaFor a long time, Nova Poshta was the leader in the field of express delivery. This is the Ukrainian international group of companies on logistics and related services for businesses and individuals. It is the leader of express delivery in the number of delivered parcels in Ukraine - for 2020 delivered 327 million parcels and cargo. There are 9300 branches - in all cities and villages in Ukraine. Like the entire economy of Ukraine with the onset of the war, the company had to adapt to wartime conditions.Every day since the war began, the map and the list of open offices and mail outlets on the official website Nova Poshta are updated. To date, the Nova Poshta has opened 3,600 service points, of which 1,800 offices in each region and 1,850 street post offices in 16 cities. The company works every day, without weekends.Item Activization of sales activities in ensuring the sustainability of the enterprise(National Aviation University, 2021-10-21) Kwilinski, Aleksy; Teslik, D.O.Formation of target market is the basic component of marketing policy of the enterprise, so it should be based on interrelations with buyers for the sake of satisfaction of their present and future needs. Management and expansion of target market allows to keep target audience with corresponding location, which becomes prerequisite for consolidation of market position and maintenance of competitiveness of enterprise. Efficient system of such interaction allows to receive sustainable proceeds from sales of goods and services and to provide sustainability of the enterprise. In a narrow sense, sales policy is directly a way of implementation of sales activities, a set of management decisions on the distribution of goods to achieve certain goals. c. In view of scales of a marketing policy, its purposes are determined both at strategic and tactical levels. Along with this, all the goals of sales policy have certain characteristics, which further determine the activity of the enterprise as a whole [1, p. 98].Item Actual problems of enterprise management(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Terentii, Kiril; Терентій, Кіріл ОлександровичThe modern system of views on enterprise management (the new management paradigm) was formed under the influence of objective changes in world social development. Although changes have always been made with acceleration, they have been so accelerated lately that the wrong reaction to them can be too expensive or even lead to a crisis. Another feature of accelerated changes is that the complexity of problems which are faced by businesses is increasing with them.Item Actual problems of improving the quality of training with green logistics(National Aviation University, 2022-04-08) Shvets, Oleksandra; Швець, Олександра ОлексіївнаThe whole logistics infrastructure has faced changes in coming years due to the global issues. Now it is important to understand a significance in qualifying Green logistics specialists. The ecological concern should become generally accepted within the current market as manufactures should realize the consequences of the harming the environment without optimized routs, well thought-out green strategies, environmentally-friendly materials used in green packaging, accurately implemented technologies for providing solutions for managing transport into urban and international environment.Item Adaptability in the digital economy(National Aviation University, 2021-10-21) Budiakova, O.Adapting and functioning well in today's world can only be achieved by mastering and constantly developing key competencies in this area. The best companies – the so-called «digital elite» (Digirati) – combine digital activism and strong leadership, making the transition from simply using information technology to transforming the business. This is what is known as «digital maturity». Organizations vary significantly in this attribute, and those that are more digitally mature outperform their competitors in business. Analysts from Capgemini Consulting and the MIT Sloan School of Management analyzed more than 400 large companies from different industries to understand what digital business means to them. The results of the study showed that financial performance depends on the use of new technologies and management techniques in the following ways: Organizations that actively use technology and new management techniques are, on average, 26% more profitable than their competitors; organizations that invest heavily in digital technology, but pay little attention to management, have financial performance 11% lower; more conservative companies that improve only management gain plus 9% in profit, but could potentially acquire three times more with digital technology; those that have not yet chosen a growth strategy have negative financial performance compared to other market players – According to the results of the study, the conclusion is clear that today we need people who can not only conduct digital transformation, but also develop new business models for digital enterprisesItem Aerials safe-forest system(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-05) Melnikov, V. D.; Мельніков, Василь ДмитровичMillions of hectares of forest have been destroyed by fires in recent years. Our device, «the Safe-Forest System», offers an early warning method for forest fires. It is compact, easy to manufacture, cheap and energy-efficient. One or more drones fly over the forest according to the program in automatic mode, which requests infor-mation from the sensor from each device and transmit it to the fire services.Item Aggressiveness and Conflict as Determinants for Choosing Coping Strategies in the Military during Decompression(National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Yarmolchyk, Maria; Ярмольчик, Марія ОлегівнаImportant parameters when you choosing coping strategies are aggression and conflict of personality. According to E.P. Ilyin and P.A. Kovalev, aggressive behavior, aggression (from the Latin aggression - attack) - is a motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms of human existence, causes physical or psychological harm to the object of attack.Item Agro-industrial complex in the system of ensuring food and economic security of the country(National Aviation University, 2022-05-24) Alnadzhar, Alaa; Альнаджар, Алаа Алі Хасан"Food security" is a term officially accepted in world practice used to characterize the state of the food market in a country as a whole, or in a group of integrated countries. It is provided with appropriate resources, potential, guarantees and determines the ability of the state, regardless of external and internal conditions and threats, to meet the needs of the population in food products in quantity, quality and assortment sufficient for their healthy physical and social developmen.