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Title: Justification of the identification of threats and problematic components of sustainable regional development in the security dimension
Other Titles: Обґрунтування виявлення загроз і проблемні складові сталого регіонального розвитку у вимірі безпеки
Authors: Kharazishvili, Yurii
Lyashenko, Vyacheslav
Bugayko, Dmytro
Ustinova, Irina
Shevchenko, Olga
Kalinin, Oleksandr
Харазішвілі, Юрій
Ляшенко, В'ячеслав
Бугайко, Дмитро
Устінова, Ірина
Шевченко, Ольга
Калінін, Олександр
Keywords: identification of threats
problematic components
sustainable regional development
security dimension
виявлення загроз
проблемні компоненти
сталий регіональний розвиток
безпековий вимір
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: E3S Web of Conferences
Citation: Yurii Kharazishvili, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Dmytro Bugayko, Irina Ustinova, Olga Shevchenko, Oleksandr Kalinin. Justification of the identification of threats and problematic components of sustainable regional development in the security dimension. E3S Web Conf. Volume 408, 2023 International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE 2023). P 1 -13.
Abstract: The issue of substantiation of the problematic components of sustainable development in the security dimension and threat identification methodology is investigated. The methodology consists of directly combining the identification of threats with the need to observe the limits of the safe existence of dynamic economic systems, which connects the problem of sustainable development with the problem of security. The explanation of the extended homeostatic plateau, which explains the conditions for the transition to a higher technological system, or the complication of functioning and the loss of the main functions of the existing technological system, has gained further development. A theoretical substantiation of the limits of secure existence in terms of security gradations is proposed: critical, threshold, and optimal on both sides of the "extended homeostatic plateau". Quantitative values of security gradations are associated with the extension of the "t-criterion" method for the formal determination of bifurcation points for characteristic types of distribution, that is, threats. The identification, classification, and analysis of problematic components and critical threats at the level of components and indicators were carried out, which made it possible to identify only four strategic directions of institutional measures that allow covering almost all indicators of sustainable development at the regional level.
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DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202340801028
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри філологічних та природничих дисциплін

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