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dc.contributor.authorIhnatenko, Daria-
dc.contributor.authorІгнатенко, Дар’я Романівна-
dc.identifier.citationIhnatenko D. Role of Motivation Approval in Learning Activities of Student // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. – P.116-118.uk_UA
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dc.description.abstractIn a role of a carrier of social characteristics, each person needs interaction with society for complete development, which can be directly expressed in the perception of certain attitudes, assessments and opinions of surrounding persons.uk_UA
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectmotivation approvaluk_UA
dc.subjectlearning activitiesuk_UA
dc.titleRole of Motivation Approval in Learning Activities of Studentuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Політ. Психологічні аспекти людського фактору у світі високих технологій. 2021

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