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dc.contributor.authorPodreza, Mykhailo-
dc.descriptionРобота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ" . Керівник проекту: доцент, к. т. н. Хімко Андрій Миколайович.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTaking into account the technical equipment of the enterprise, the qualifications of the personnel, sufficient experience in the overhaul and modernization of aircraft of the "An" type at the enterprise, it should be noted that, since 1992: - a full cycle of overhaul of An-32 aircraft has been worked out and mastered; - worked out and mastered the complex of works on modernization of An-32 aircraft in accordance with the documentation of the Developer; - the execution of resource bulletins No. 515-BE-B, No. 515/1-BE-B, as well as repair bulletins on An-32 airplanes was worked out and mastered; - fully certified technological processes, personnel, production and quality management system, which is confirmed by the Certificate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine No. UAR - MAA- 145.0112, License of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, series AB No. 597938 for the right to repair and modernize military aviation equipment, Certificate of Approval organizations for TO No. UA .145.0023 for compliance with the Rules PART- 145 of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, Certificate No. HTI / 130-55 / 2011 for compliance with NATO Standard AQAP -2120 on the quality system for repairing military aircraft, issued by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense. Analyzing the state of the An-32 aircraft of the Indian Air Force, there is full reason to assume that in order to ensure operational reliability and flight safety, the Customer deliberately provided to the enterprise for repair aircraft that had previously been repaired at the Customer's base. Taking into account the actual technical condition of these aircraft, which have been in operation since 1984, as well as the technical capabilities to ensure the quality of repair and modernization of the enterprise and the base of the Customer, it should be noted a positive trend of sending the An-32 aircraft for repair to the enterprise after the previous repair at the Customer's base. ...uk_UA
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universityuk_UA
dc.subjecttechnical equipmentuk_UA
dc.subjecttechnological processesuk_UA
dc.subjectдипломна роботаuk_UA
dc.titleModification of the design of the transport category aircraft during the overhauluk_UA
dc.typeLearning Objectuk_UA
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