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dc.contributor.authorКузовик, Вячеслав Даниловичru
dc.contributor.authorБулигіна, Олена Вячеславівнаuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorБезвершнюк, Каріна Олексіївнаuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorKuzovyk, Vyacheslavru
dc.contributor.authorBulygina, Olenaen
dc.contributor.authorBezvershniuk, Karynaen
dc.identifier.citationKuzovyk V. Establishment of reference intervals blood parameters wintering operators based measurement uncertainty / V. Kuzovyk, O. Bulygina, K. Bezversniuk// International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers. - Sopopol, 2019 - р. 728 - 731en
dc.description.abstractThe research of the psychophysiological state of winterers of the Antarctic station "Academician Vernadsky" was carried out in order to establish the feasibility of their subsequent stay at the station and fulfill their service tasks. Short-term stay of polar explorers under difficult conditions causes stressful effects and nonspecific adaptive reactions. Their organisms must adapt to the exposure of various extreme factors and, in the first turn, natural ones. Considering that hematopoiesis is an important mechanism on which the ultimate adaptive result depends, a study of blood parameters was performed. It has been found that there are some changes in certain blood parameters that are not relevant with the reference norms for the studied polar groups. In this connection, there is a problem in adjusting the reference intervals for them. In order to determine the reference intervals, it is necessary to take into account the uncertainty of their establishment, having previously analyzed the sources of uncertainty.en
dc.publisherTechnical University of Sofiaen
dc.subjectblood parametersen
dc.subjectextreme conditionsen
dc.subjectreference intervalen
dc.titleEstablishment of reference intervals blood parameters wintering operators based measurement uncertaintyen
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові видання викладачів кафедри біокібернетики та аерокосмічної медицини

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