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dc.contributor.authorТкачова, Наталія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorТкачева, Наталья Николаевна-
dc.contributor.authorTkachova, Nataliya-
dc.contributor.authorМартьянова, Руслана Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorМартьянова, Руслана Анатолиевна-
dc.contributor.authorMartyanova, Ruslana-
dc.identifier.citationTkachova N. Public Administration for Sustainable Development / Collective monograpf / The general ed. Chechel A., Khlobystov Iе. - Bielsko-Biała : University of Economics and Humanities, 2018. – 268 p. The mechanism improvement of the Ukrainian state migration service interaction with the state and local government authority against non-legal migration security potenntial threat. – P. 242 - 260.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe process of formation and implementation of the national security state policy currently is one of the most acute issue in Ukraine. Modern realities of Ukraine’s existence as an independent state require, within the framework of the national security policy implementation, to take into account the country's request to realize national interests in all spheres of society's life. Nowadays, the country faces intensification of the unregulated (illegal) migration processes and the lack of an effective state regulation system of migration processes, which constitute a direct threat to the country national security, promote the criminalization growth and the organized criminal groups’ formation, and contribute to the social tension exacerbation in society. The bodies of the State Migration Service (SMS) of Ukraine face with an urgent need for a more profound migration perception as a socio-economic phenomenon and an active search for qualitatively new approaches to migration policy formation and control over population territorial movements.uk_UA
dc.publisherBielsko-Biała: University of Economics and Humanitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectдержавна політикаuk_UA
dc.subjectнаціональна безекаuk_UA
dc.subjectнелегальна міграціяuk_UA
dc.subjectгосударственная политикаuk_UA
dc.subjectнациональная безопасностьuk_UA
dc.subjectнелегальная миграцияuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic policyuk_UA
dc.subjectnational securityuk_UA
dc.subjectnon-legal migrationuk_UA
dc.titleThe mechanisms improvement of the Ukrainian state migration service interaction with the state and local government authority against non-legal migration as a national security potential threatuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Монографії кафедри інформаційних і комунікативних технологій бізнес освіти

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