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dc.contributor.authorЯстремська, Лариса Сергіївнаuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorЯблонська, Катерина Миколаївнаuk_UA
dc.identifier.citationIastremska L.S., Iablonska K.M. Wastewater treatment and energy carier producing by thermophilic anaerobic association //8th International Green Energy Conference ( June 17-19, 2013): Abstr. – Kyiv. – Ukraine. – К: NAU. – Р. 477en
dc.description.abstractWith sewage сardboard-рaper enterprise Kyiv isolated of technologically promising thermophilic (60 oC) anaerobic microbe association that consists of cellulolytic and methanogenic bacteria. Within 4-5 days association completely destroys the cellulose and synthesizes the first hydrogen and later methane. Besides methane is also formed ethanol, acetate, propionate, butyrate. When using anaerobic аssociation in wastewater cleaning сardboard - рaper enterprise, chemical consumption oxygen decreases by three timesen
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universittyen
dc.subjectthermophilic anaerobic associationen
dc.subjectcellulolytic bacteriaen
dc.subjectmethanogenic bacteriaen
dc.titleWastewater treatment and energy carier producing by thermophilic anaerobic associationen
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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