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Title: «Green» biotechnology: synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Artemisia tilesii «hairy» root extracts
Authors: Ястремська, Лариса Сергіївна
Матвєєва, Н.А.
Шпетна, К.О.
Власюк, О.В.
Keywords: hairy root
Artemisia tilesii
silver nanoparticles
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: НФаУ
Citation: Shpetna K.O. «Green» biotechnology: synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Artemisia tilesii «hairy» root extracts / K.O. Shpetna, O.V. Vlasiuk, N.A. Matvieieva, L.S. Yastremskaya //Topical issues of new medicines development: мат. XXVI Міжн. наук.– практ. конф. (10-12 квіт. 2019 р., м. Харків). – Харків: НФаУ, 2019. – С.27-28.
Abstract: Study the effectiveness of obtaining of silver nanoparticles using extracts from «hairy» roots of Artemisia tilesii medicinal plants was the aim of the work. The possibility of silver nanoparticles obtaining using extracts of Artemisia tilesii «hairy» root extracts was demonstrated. The most effective synthesis was found in case of using water extract. At the same time, ethanol extract also can be used for Ag nanoparticles synthesis.
ISSN: 2616-6615
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці співробітників кафедри біотехнології

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