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dc.contributor.authorZaporozhets, Arturen
dc.contributor.authorIvanov, Serhiien
dc.contributor.authorSerhiienko, Romanen
dc.description.abstractIn this article the methods and facilities of the system of quality and combustion of various types of fuel are considered. The device for measuring the heat capacity and evaporation heat of moisture and organic liquids from inhomogeneous materials is considered, which is realized by the method of synchronous thermal analysis. The methods and facilities of control of burning process of fuel with using oxygen sensors are showed.en
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universityen
dc.subjectmeasurement systemen
dc.subjectevaporation heaten
dc.subjectheat capacityen
dc.subjectsynchronous thermal analysisen
dc.subjectfuel combustionen
dc.subjectoxygen sensorsen
dc.titleApproaches to development the system for control of quality and combustion of biofuelsen
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій кафедри загальної та прикладної фізики

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