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Title: Characteristic of the complex marketing communications elements
Authors: Ремига, Ю.С.
Коваленко, Н.В.
Remyha, Yu.S.
Kovalenko, N.V.
Keywords: marketing
marketing activities
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: National Aviation University
Series/Report no.: №2(71);
Abstract: The purpose and objectives of the article are the detailed characterizations of marketing communication’s elements and characteristics of synthetic and communications. The stages of the campaign and the main advantages and disadvantages of advertising have been disclosed and analyzed in the article. The marketing communication and some elements of marketing communications, the issues of formation and development of the theory of marketing communications have been studied. This article describes the elements of marketing communications factors and basic tools of marketing communications: advertising, personal selling, complex sales promotion, publicity and public relation, direct marketing.
ISSN: 1813-1166
Appears in Collections:Наукові роботи співробітників кафедри логістики

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